2021 聖誕晚會抽獎註冊 Christmas Party Raffle Registration

2021 聖誕晚會抽獎註冊 Christmas Party Raffle Registration


註冊是以每個家庭為一單位。 無法使用網路註冊的人,可以請家人或朋友代理,使用代理人的電子郵件和電話號碼進行註冊。主持人將宣布獲獎者的姓名,中獎者必須在Zoom上出現。 獲獎者將收到一封祝賀電子郵件,確認中獎人的電子郵箱,禮品卡(E-card)將通過電子郵件發送給中獎人。

Let’s celebrate the birth of Jesus together through Zoom! Register online (Click to scroll Down) for free and participate in the raffle. There are 25 gift cards for the prize. The deadline for registration is 10pm on December 18.

Raffle Details:
Raffle registration is per household. Seniors who may require assistance with raffle registration can choose a representative and register in the raffle using the representative’s email. When a name is selected during the event, the MC will announce the winner’s name. The person must be present in the Zoom meeting and raise their hand or show a video on Zoom. After a winner is declared he/she will receive an email of congratulation and the gift card will be sent to him/her by email, or to his/her representative.

時間: 12/19/2021, 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Zoom ID: 732-732-7732
Questions? Contact us at fr.olivera@gmail.com

Click HERE to review last year Christmas Party

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將臨期和好聖事 Reconciliation during Advent & Christmas Season

有關和好聖事 About Reconciliation

  1. 12/5/2021 4:00PM (彌撒後) 在St. Clare Church, 歐神父和顧蒙席一起聽告解。
  2. 跟歐神父預約在 Sacred Heart Church, Saratoga, (預約連接: https://calendly.com/carlosalberto-olivera/15min)
  3. 此外,隨時聯繫歐神父洽談適合時間(fr.olivera@gmail.com)
  4. 12/12/2021 3:00PM Reconciliation in English, at St. Clare Parish lower church.
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每週通訊 Weekly Bulletin 11/28/2021

主日彌撒 暨 每日祈禱

Advent 1 Hope

主日國語彌撒除了在St. Clare Church現場舉行, 也會和平日祈禱一樣在網上通過 Zoom 進行 並且 在 sjccm.com首頁上直播。

國語彌撒主日 3:00pm
English Mass主日 4:30pm
玫瑰經祈禱平日 8:00pm

Join Zoom 732-732-7732

丙年將臨期第一 主日 彌撒視頻 11/21/2021 [NEW]

將臨期和好聖事 Advent Reconciliation

1. 12/5/2021 4:00PM (彌撒後) St. Clare Church, 歐神父和顧蒙席一起聽告解。

2. 跟歐神父預約 Sacred Heart Church, Saratoga, (預約連接: https://calendly.com/carlosalberto-olivera/15min)

3. 此外,隨時聯繫歐神父洽談適合時間(fr.olivera@gmai.com

4. 12/12/2021 3:00PM Reconciliation in English, at St. Clare Parish lower church.


日期 : 12/08/2020 週三
時間 : 8:00pm – (原玫瑰經時間)
方式 : 網路Zoom (732-732-7732)

聖誕期特別彌撒 暨 活動
Special Events During Christmas Season

聖誕網路晚會 Christmas Zoom Party:
時間: 12/19/2021 主日 7:30PM-9:00PM
活動包括: 聖詠團報佳音,團體表演, Slideshow, 以及抽獎! 歡迎提供更多才藝節目
點此查看抽獎詳情 及 註冊


聖誕子夜彌撒 Christmas Midnight Mass:
時間: 12/24/2021 週五 7:30PM
地點: St. Clare Church (Zoom 同步轉播)

聖誕節彌撒 Christmas Day Mass:
時間: 12/25/2021 週六 3:00PM
地點: St. Clare Church (Zoom 同步轉播)

每週一語話聖歌 -「快來至聖默西亞」 [NEW]



[快來至聖默西亞] 原是法國十六世紀的聖歌,後由美國修女翻譯成英文 O come,Divine Messiah
Author: Abbé Simon J. Pellegrin;
16th century French Carol
Translator: Sister Mary of St. Philip (1877)
(11/25/2021 林谷)

(NOTE: 此新欄目每週六前推出聖歌新語,  可由SJCCM首頁的 靈修資料推薦 進入, 或直接Bookmark 此頁)

點 此 了 解 更 多 聖 歌


今年三月,在經過一年疫情期間的線上彌撒, 八位勇敢的聖詠團員組成virtual vocal(遠距錄音),開始每週選一首歌録製,大家自聽伴奏,錄自己的聲部,再做最後合成。把天主聖神恩賜的音樂才能發揮到極致。使歌聲成為虔誠禱聲,助人入禱,引人入聖,福傳中華!

感謝歐神父送我們的「Gifts from choir」為這網站命名, 恰逢2021的感恩節,願一切光榮、讃頌,永歸於主。

點 閱 詳 情 並 欣 賞 學 唱 聖 歌

將臨期避靜 Photo 暨 Powerpoint [NEW]

點 閱 詳 情 並 重 溫 避 靜 內 容

哥倫布騎士團招人中! Knights Announcement

網上即可加入,訪問kofc.org/joinus 並輸入優惠碼MCGIVNEY2020
填表時,在Preferred Local Council填16673 即可加入本堂的騎士團!
詳情請諮詢Frank Yu(yufrank@yahoo.com) 或 Peter Qu(qxj67@yahoo.com)

CM 2021-2022 Registration is still open!

Registration is open for families to register their children (PreK-12) for Catechetical Ministry (CM)


CM is offered by SJCCM for the purpose of growing our youth in Catholic theological, moral, and social teaching to develop well-rounded and active members in the Church


Classes this year will take place from 3-4:15 PM 

followed by English Mass from 4:30-5:30 PM


Registration fees for this year have been waived, so please register now by following the link on the SJCCM website, or visit sjccm.org/cm

CLICK to view UPDATED information

CA COVID19 Rent Relief

The CA COVID 19 Rent Relief Program is primarily for people who are financially impacted by COVID. For example, laid off, death in the family due to COVID, reduce work hours, etc.

For those who apply for this program, his or her household income cannot excess 80% of the median income……

Click to Read More …

和好聖事 Reconciliation

1. Make Appointment: https://calendly.com/carlosalberto-olivera/15min
2. After Sunday 3:00PM Mass at St. Clare Church.
3. Email Fr. Olivera for your question or concern.

CLICK for Detail …

靈修資料推薦 Faith Formation Resources

Sunday Collections Monthly Report (NOV 2021) [NEW]

YTD Goal 7/1/21 through 11/30/21 : $75,000
YTD Actual 7/1/21 through 11/30/21 :  $65,200
YTD Variance :  ($9,800)

Fiscal Year Goal (7/1/21-6/30/22) :  $170,000


Note: We achieved 87% of Sunday collections goal during the first 5 months of our fiscal year ending 6-30-22, which is a good performance considering the effects of COVID and the fact that we did not adjust our Sunday collection goal downward.

網上奉獻操作指南 Online Giving Introduction

2021 Special Collection UPDATED Schedules

SJCCM 聖荷西華人天主堂慕道班通知

     — 週日下午三點 ZOOM 彌撒/聖言分享
     — 教理課程(週四晚上八點到九點)
教理課ZOOM ID/鎖碼 請聯繫歐神父索取
如果您或您的親友有興趣認識天主教信仰, 願意認識主耶穌基督及更深入的了解人生的意義,請儘快上網SJCCM.COM 報名登記參加慕道班。或打電話留言: ***-***-**** 或發郵件至
1. 歐維禮神父: fr.olivera@gmail.com
2. 高家琳 (Lulu): Lulu66ho@gmail.com
3. 湯明昭 (Irene):Tangmc06@gmail.com

立 刻 報 名

RCIA Announcements


You are invite
Every 2nd Saturday of the Month 11 AM
@ All Saints Chapel
The names of the deceased buried at Gate of Heaven and Calvary Cemeteries
from the prior month will be read in our mass intentions.
For more information: (408)878-4057; www.cfcssanjose.org



3、Santa Clara County COVID Assistant Navigation Program


糧食銀行Second Harvest Food Bank針對疫情的爆發, 設有幾種特別的免費服務.
1. 為獨居老人或殘障者運送食物到府
2. 為需要食物者提供 “驅車抵食物站, 無須下車, 即可領取食物”
3. 協助失業或低收入者申請政府糧食券

請關注您周遭需要幫助者, 聯絡工作人員陳莉娜 (408) 693-4284
我們為小兄弟所做的, 就是為主做。




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日期 : 12/08/2020 週三
時間 : 8:00pm – (原玫瑰經時間)
方式 : 網路Zoom (732-732-7732)
聖母無染原罪始胎節 12/08

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每週通訊 Weekly Bulletin 11/21/2021

主日彌撒 暨 每日祈禱

Happy ThanksGiving 2021

新冠疫情期間, 國語彌撒和祈禱將在網上 Zoom 進行 同時 在 sjccm.com 上直播。

國語彌撒主日 3:00pm  [不必報名]
English Mass主日 4:30pm [No Need to Register]玫瑰經祈禱平日 8:00pm

Join Zoom 732-732-7732

乙年基督普世君王節 主日 彌撒視頻 11/21/2021 [NEW]

基督普世君王節彌撒 及 團體38周年慶 照片 11/21/2021 [NEW]

Christ The King Sunday & SJCCM Anniversary celebration

Click to View the photos

將臨期和好聖事 Advent Reconciliation [NEW]

1. 12/5/2021 4:00PM (彌撒後) St. Clare Church, 歐神父和顧蒙席一起聽告解。

2. 跟歐神父預約 Sacred Heart Church, Saratoga, (預約連接: https://calendly.com/carlosalberto-olivera/15min)

3. 此外,隨時聯繫歐神父洽談適合時間(fr.olivera@gmai.com

4. 12/12/2021 3:00PM Reconciliation in English, at St. Clare Parish lower church.

始胎無原罪聖母ZOOM彌撒 [NEW]

日期 : 12/08/2020 週三
時間 : 8:00pm – (原玫瑰經時間)
方式 : 網路Zoom (732-732-7732)

聖誕期特別彌撒 暨 活動 [NEW]

Special Events During Christmas Season

聖誕網路晚會 Christmas Zoom Party:
時間: 12/19/2021 主日 (具體時間待定)
活動: 聖誕晚會抽獎註冊

聖誕子夜彌撒 Christmas Midnight Mass:
時間: 12/24/2021 週五 7:30PM
地點: St. Clare Church (Zoom 同步轉播)

聖誕節彌撒 Christmas Day Mass:
時間: 12/25/2021 週六 3:00PM
地點: St. Clare Church (Zoom 同步轉播)


Sumus Ecclesia: 拉丁文, 意為 We are the church, 是聖荷西主教區 Jubilee song, composed by local musician Gregory Dale Schultz, 11/27/2005 in celebration of San Jose diocese 25th jubilee year。 當時的Bishop Patrick McGrath 巡迴各教區,1/23/2006到了我們堂主祭中國新年彌撒,聽完聖詠團進堂時唱這首歌,禁不住説道:「這是我走過教區53個堂口,唯一能將這首歌唱得這麼好聽的團體」。當時的指揮是Maria Shao, 有30多位團員唱。今年我們幸得choir pilot team 八位團員勠力合作,把這首不容易的四部歌曲唱起來, 來conclude San Jose diocese 40 Jubilee year。願一切光榮讚美歸於天主!

點 此 觀 賞 學 唱

哥倫布騎士團招人中! Knights Announcement

網上即可加入,訪問kofc.org/joinus 並輸入優惠碼MCGIVNEY2020
填表時,在Preferred Local Council填16673 即可加入本堂的騎士團!
詳情請諮詢Frank Yu(yufrank@yahoo.com) 或 Peter Qu(qxj67@yahoo.com)

CM 2021-2022 Registration is still open!

Registration is open for families to register their children (PreK-12) for Catechetical Ministry (CM)


CM is offered by SJCCM for the purpose of growing our youth in Catholic theological, moral, and social teaching to develop well-rounded and active members in the Church


Classes this year will take place from 3-4:15 PM 

followed by English Mass from 4:30-5:30 PM


Registration fees for this year have been waived, so please register now by following the link on the SJCCM website, or visit sjccm.org/cm

CLICK to view UPDATED information

CA COVID19 Rent Relief

The CA COVID 19 Rent Relief Program is primarily for people who are financially impacted by COVID. For example, laid off, death in the family due to COVID, reduce work hours, etc.

For those who apply for this program, his or her household income cannot excess 80% of the median income……

Click to Read More …

和好聖事 Reconciliation

1. Make Appointment: https://calendly.com/carlosalberto-olivera/15min
2. After Saturday 3PM Sunday Vigial Mass at St. Clare Church parking lot.
3. Email Fr. Olivera for your question or concern.

CLICK for Detail …

靈修資料推薦 Faith Formation Resources

Sunday Collections Monthly Report (OCT 2021)

YTD Goal 7/1/21 through 10/31/21 : $60,000
YTD Actual 7/1/21 through 10/31/21 :  $51,900
YTD Variance :  ($8,100)

Fiscal Year Goal (7/1/21-6/30/22) :  $170,000


Note: We achieved 87% of Sunday collections goal during the first 4 months of our fiscal year ending 6-30-22, which is a very good performance considering the effects of COVID and the fact that we did not adjust our Sunday collection goal downward.

網上奉獻操作指南 Online Giving Introduction

2021 Special Collection UPDATED Schedules

SJCCM 聖荷西華人天主堂慕道班通知

     — 週日下午三點 ZOOM 彌撒/聖言分享
     — 教理課程(週四晚上八點到九點)
教理課ZOOM ID/鎖碼 請聯繫歐神父索取
如果您或您的親友有興趣認識天主教信仰, 願意認識主耶穌基督及更深入的了解人生的意義,請儘快上網SJCCM.COM 報名登記參加慕道班。或打電話留言: ***-***-**** 或發郵件至
1. 歐維禮神父: fr.olivera@gmail.com
2. 高家琳 (Lulu): Lulu66ho@gmail.com
3. 湯明昭 (Irene):Tangmc06@gmail.com

立 刻 報 名

RCIA Announcements


You are invite
Every 2nd Saturday of the Month 11 AM
@ All Saints Chapel
The names of the deceased buried at Gate of Heaven and Calvary Cemeteries
from the prior month will be read in our mass intentions.
For more information: (408)878-4057; www.cfcssanjose.org



3、Santa Clara County COVID Assistant Navigation Program


糧食銀行Second Harvest Food Bank針對疫情的爆發, 設有幾種特別的免費服務.
1. 為獨居老人或殘障者運送食物到府
2. 為需要食物者提供 “驅車抵食物站, 無須下車, 即可領取食物”
3. 協助失業或低收入者申請政府糧食券

請關注您周遭需要幫助者, 聯絡工作人員陳莉娜 (408) 693-4284
我們為小兄弟所做的, 就是為主做。




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基督君王節英文彌撒 及 團體周年慶 照片 11/21/2021

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SJCCM 2021 將臨期避靜-[Photo & Doc]


避靜 Retreat Powerpoint

(Powerpoint might take a moment to load up. Thanks for being patient.)

天主之母在法蒂瑪和日本秋田呼籲祈禱、悔改和補贖,並警告如果世界不悔改, 它和教會將遭受一個很大的懲罰。教會未能遵循天主之母的信息,導致國家和教會的很大懲罰:中國天主教會自從共產黨控制中國至今的的苦難,以及美國天主教會內對祈禱和悔改的失敗,導致了「俄羅斯錯誤的傳播」馬克思主義的文化。我們如何安排我們的生活,更完美地遵循天主之母在法蒂瑪和秋田的訊息。

神師 : 耶穌會艾立勤神父 (Rev. Lou Aldrich SJ)
主題 : 天主之母在法蒂瑪和日本秋田的呼籲
地點/方式 : Zoom 在家線上避靜。
日期 : 11/20/2021
時間 : 10:00am – 4:00pm (包括四次20-30分鐘個人靜默祈禱時間和一次午休時間)
避靜費用: 免費,歡迎自由奉獻
1. 11/17 報名截止。必需在網路上報名
2. 如果沒收立即受到報名確認電郵,請查看Spam Emails (垃圾郵件)。
3. 為了網路安全,避靜的 Zoom ID、Passcode 以及連結將在11/19 以前電郵寄給您。

如果您選擇 Zoom 線上避靜,請在避靜前確認下面幾件事
1. 您用的電子設備 (laptop, iPad, or smart phone) 已安裝 Zoom App
2. 您的Zoom 帳號是以您的名字作為 Display Name
3. 熟悉 Zoom 的基本操作:開啟及關閉麥克風和攝影機
4. 為了網路安全,請勿將避靜的 Zoom ID 和連結轉傳給其他人
5. 如果您的家人,親友希望用自己的電子設備參加避靜,請他們分別報名

1. 吳興民 (shingmin.wu@gmail.com)
2. 楊彤芳 (clmadvancement@gmail.com)


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每週通訊 Weekly Bulletin 11/07/2021

主日彌撒 暨 每日祈禱

Indoor Mass

請點下面LINK 查看主日國語彌撒詳情, 並報名。

新冠疫情期間, 國語彌撒和祈禱也將在網上 Zoom 進行 同時 在 sjccm.com 上直播。

國語彌撒主日 3:00pm [敬請報名]
English Mass主日 4:30pm [No Need to Register]玫瑰經祈禱平日 8:00pm

查閱詳解 暨 教堂內國語彌撒因人數限制, 請務必報名

Join Zoom 732-732-7732

乙年 常年期 第三十二主日 彌撒視頻 11/07/2021 [NEW]

2021 將臨期避靜 11/20/2021 [NEW]

主題 : 天主之母在法蒂瑪和日本秋田的呼籲
神師 : 耶穌會艾立勤神父 (Rev. Lou Aldrich SJ)
時間 : 2021年11月20日 (星期六), 10:00am – 4:00pm
地點 : 樓下教堂實體避靜 (限30人) & Zoom 線上避靜

點閱詳情 並 報名

哥倫布騎士團招人中! Knights Announcement

網上即可加入,訪問kofc.org/joinus 並輸入優惠碼MCGIVNEY2020
填表時,在Preferred Local Council填16673 即可加入本堂的騎士團!
詳情請諮詢Frank Yu(yufrank@yahoo.com) 或 Peter Qu(qxj67@yahoo.com)

CM 2021-2022 Registration is still open!

Registration is open for families to register their children (PreK-12) for Catechetical Ministry (CM)


CM is offered by SJCCM for the purpose of growing our youth in Catholic theological, moral, and social teaching to develop well-rounded and active members in the Church


Classes this year will take place from 3-4:15 PM 

followed by English Mass from 4:30-5:30 PM


Registration fees for this year have been waived, so please register now by following the link on the SJCCM website, or visit sjccm.org/cm

CLICK to view UPDATED information

CA COVID19 Rent Relief

The CA COVID 19 Rent Relief Program is primarily for people who are financially impacted by COVID. For example, laid off, death in the family due to COVID, reduce work hours, etc.

For those who apply for this program, his or her household income cannot excess 80% of the median income……

Click to Read More …

和好聖事 Reconciliation

1. Make Appointment: https://calendly.com/carlosalberto-olivera/15min
2. After Saturday 3PM Sunday Vigial Mass at St. Clare Church parking lot.
3. Email Fr. Olivera for your question or concern.

CLICK for Detail …

靈修資料推薦 Faith Formation Resources

Sunday Collections Monthly Report (OCT 2021) [NEW]

YTD Goal 7/1/20 through 9/30/2021 : $45,000
YTD Actual 7/1/20 through 9/30/21 :  $42,850
YTD Variance :  ($2,150)
Fiscal Year Goal (7/1/21-6/30/22) :  $170,000


Note: We achieved 87% of Sunday collections goal during the first 4 months of our fiscal year ending 6-30-22, which is a very good performance considering the effects of COVID and the fact that we did not adjust our Sunday collection goal downward.

網上奉獻操作指南 Online Giving Introduction

2021 Special Collection UPDATED Schedules

SJCCM 聖荷西華人天主堂慕道班通知

     — 週日下午三點 ZOOM 彌撒/聖言分享
     — 教理課程(週四晚上八點到九點)
教理課ZOOM ID/鎖碼 請聯繫歐神父索取
如果您或您的親友有興趣認識天主教信仰, 願意認識主耶穌基督及更深入的了解人生的意義,請儘快上網SJCCM.COM 報名登記參加慕道班。或打電話留言: ***-***-**** 或發郵件至
1. 歐維禮神父: fr.olivera@gmail.com
2. 高家琳 (Lulu): Lulu66ho@gmail.com
3. 湯明昭 (Irene):Tangmc06@gmail.com

立 刻 報 名

RCIA Announcements


You are invite
Every 2nd Saturday of the Month 11 AM
@ All Saints Chapel
The names of the deceased buried at Gate of Heaven and Calvary Cemeteries
from the prior month will be read in our mass intentions.
For more information: (408)878-4057; www.cfcssanjose.org



3、Santa Clara County COVID Assistant Navigation Program


糧食銀行Second Harvest Food Bank針對疫情的爆發, 設有幾種特別的免費服務.
1. 為獨居老人或殘障者運送食物到府
2. 為需要食物者提供 “驅車抵食物站, 無須下車, 即可領取食物”
3. 協助失業或低收入者申請政府糧食券

請關注您周遭需要幫助者, 聯絡工作人員陳莉娜 (408) 693-4284
我們為小兄弟所做的, 就是為主做。




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Halloween/All Saints Day Event On 10/31/2021

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每週通訊 Weekly Bulletin 10/31/2021

主日彌撒 暨 每日祈禱

Indoor Mass

請點下面LINK 查看主日國語彌撒詳情, 並報名。

新冠疫情期間, 國語彌撒和祈禱也將在網上 Zoom 進行 同時 在 sjccm.com 上直播。

國語彌撒主日 3:00pm [敬請報名]
English Mass主日 4:30pm [No Need to Register]玫瑰經祈禱平日 8:00pm

查閱詳解 暨 教堂內國語彌撒因人數限制, 請務必報名

Join Zoom 732-732-7732

乙年 常年期 第三十一 主日 彌撒視頻 10/31/2021 [NEW]

2021網上信仰培育會議 11/4-6/2021

日期 : 11/04-06/2021
費用 : $25
國/粵語講座講者 : 徐鏡堯神父 Fr. Luke Tsui
                 高夏芳修女 Sr. Maria Ku, FMA
報名 : https://www.hopehealrenew.org

點 閱 詳 情

哥倫布騎士團招人中! Knights Announcement

網上即可加入,訪問kofc.org/joinus 並輸入優惠碼MCGIVNEY2020
填表時,在Preferred Local Council填16673 即可加入本堂的騎士團!
詳情請諮詢Frank Yu(yufrank@yahoo.com) 或 Peter Qu(qxj67@yahoo.com)

CM 2021-2022 Registration is still open!

Registration is open for families to register their children (PreK-12) for Catechetical Ministry (CM)


CM is offered by SJCCM for the purpose of growing our youth in Catholic theological, moral, and social teaching to develop well-rounded and active members in the Church


Classes this year will take place from 3-4:15 PM 

followed by English Mass from 4:30-5:30 PM


Registration fees for this year have been waived, so please register now by following the link on the SJCCM website, or visit sjccm.org/cm

CLICK to view UPDATED information

CA COVID19 Rent Relief

The CA COVID 19 Rent Relief Program is primarily for people who are financially impacted by COVID. For example, laid off, death in the family due to COVID, reduce work hours, etc.

For those who apply for this program, his or her household income cannot excess 80% of the median income……

Click to Read More …

和好聖事 Reconciliation

1. Make Appointment: https://calendly.com/carlosalberto-olivera/15min
2. After Saturday 3PM Sunday Vigial Mass at St. Clare Church parking lot.
3. Email Fr. Olivera for your question or concern.

CLICK for Detail …

靈修資料推薦 Faith Formation Resources

Sunday Collections Monthly Report (SEP 2021) [NEW]

YTD Goal 7/1/20 through 9/30/2021 : $45,000
YTD Actual 7/1/20 through 9/30/21 :  $42,850
YTD Variance :  ($2,150)
Fiscal Year Goal (7/1/21-6/30/22) :  $170,000


Note: We achieved 96% of Sunday collections goal during the first 3 months of our fiscal year ending 6-30-22, which is a very good performance considering the effects of COVID and the fact that we did not adjust our Sunday collection goal downward.

網上奉獻操作指南 Online Giving Introduction

2021 Special Collection UPDATED Schedules

SJCCM 聖荷西華人天主堂慕道班通知

     — 週日下午三點 ZOOM 彌撒/聖言分享
     — 教理課程(週四晚上八點到九點)
教理課ZOOM ID/鎖碼 請聯繫歐神父索取
如果您或您的親友有興趣認識天主教信仰, 願意認識主耶穌基督及更深入的了解人生的意義,請儘快上網SJCCM.COM 報名登記參加慕道班。或打電話留言: ***-***-**** 或發郵件至
1. 歐維禮神父: fr.olivera@gmail.com
2. 高家琳 (Lulu): Lulu66ho@gmail.com
3. 湯明昭 (Irene):Tangmc06@gmail.com

立 刻 報 名

RCIA Announcements


You are invite
Every 2nd Saturday of the Month 11 AM
@ All Saints Chapel
The names of the deceased buried at Gate of Heaven and Calvary Cemeteries
from the prior month will be read in our mass intentions.
For more information: (408)878-4057; www.cfcssanjose.org



3、Santa Clara County COVID Assistant Navigation Program


糧食銀行Second Harvest Food Bank針對疫情的爆發, 設有幾種特別的免費服務.
1. 為獨居老人或殘障者運送食物到府
2. 為需要食物者提供 “驅車抵食物站, 無須下車, 即可領取食物”
3. 協助失業或低收入者申請政府糧食券

請關注您周遭需要幫助者, 聯絡工作人員陳莉娜 (408) 693-4284
我們為小兄弟所做的, 就是為主做。




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