聖體聖事 The Meaning of the Sacrament of the Eucharist

There are three sacraments that are the foundation of Christian life. These sacraments are: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. They are given in this order to bring about the full initiation of the new Christian life. These three sacraments together are called the Sacraments of Initiation.

First Communion is the first time the Eucharist, Christ’s Body and Blood, is received after the Sacrament of Baptism and Confirmation have been received. Through the priest’s holy prayers, bread and wine becomes the Body and Blood of Christ. After the First Communion, we are able to continually receive the sacrament. Whenever we receive Holy Communion (Eucharist) in mass, we are receiving the Sacrament of the Eucharist. In receiving the Body and Blood of Christ and participating in mass continually, we become united in one body with the Church.

First Communion at SJCCM

First Communion is a two year process with no breaks between the two years.

The first year of preparation involves parent(s) and child attending the catechetical program (CM).

In the 2nd year of preparation, the parent(s) and child must attend the catechetical program (CM) along with the Sacramental preparation workshops for First Communion.  The First Communion preparation workshops involve four monthly sessions beginning in January during the Generations of Faith enrollment year.

Catechetical Ministry (CM) is our Religious Educational Process for children and youth.  All sacramental preparation comes through the CM Program. If you have children ages 4 and up they are eligible to join in our catechetical process. If you have a child 7 years old or older, the family must be in Generations of Faith to prepare for First Communion and High School Confirmation.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is our program for adults. This program helps with the entire Sacrament of Initiation to become a Catholic.

Preparation for Persons with Disabilities

SJCCM and the Diocese of San Jose understand that all Catholics have the right to participate in the sacraments. If you have a loved one (no matter what their age or disability is) who needs to prepare for any of the sacraments, please contact Fr. Olivera at 408-509-6960 or fr.olivera@gmail.com.

為個人意向奉獻彌撒 Offer Mass for Special Intention

Offer Mass For Special Intention:  download form here to complete and submit to Haihsia Chen (408-257-4235) with $10/Mass (extra as donation to SJCCM) (Fee weaver is considerable for financial difficulty).

諸聖相通功 是我們天主教很美的一端信理。天上地下一家,可以互相代禱。 不只我們可以互相代禱,還可以求天上聖人聖女,特別是聖母媽媽為我們 祈禱。在親友過世時,”諸聖相通功”更是我們的安慰,使我們不致於哀傷 過度。因為我們可以為亡者祈禱。

所有的祈禱善功中,彌撒奉獻的效力是最大的。因為那是我們的救主基督大 司祭用自己的血,一次而永久的進入天主的聖殿,為我們贏得了救贖。正 因為是來自基督自己的功勞,所以特別有效。

為亡者奉獻彌撒是教會一向都有的傳統。當然我們還有別的場合想到天主, 求福啦,謝恩啦,也可以奉獻彌撒。教友們若想為親友,或特別意向奉獻 彌撒,我們準備了表格,可以網站上下載,也可以在教堂裡進門的桌上拿。

雖然基督的救贖是無價的,祂也白白的賜給每一個人。但我們獻彌撒的人還 是要根據傳統,奉獻一點。就像聖母曾經在基督誕生八日取潔禮時,獻了一 對鴿子 一樣。 聖荷西教區為了幫助大家都奉獻得起,建議10元就可以獻 一台彌撒。若10元仍是困難,也不用耽心,還是可以奉獻彌撒,只要說一 聲就可以了。

主日彌撒前後,會有一個盒子放在門口的桌上。 填好的表格和支票或現金,可以放進去。 交給神父或陳海霞也可以。 若您對填表格有困難,對彌撒奉獻有任何問題,或想要彌撒卡送給為他獻彌撒的親友,也可以找陳海霞 (408-257-4235)。