"...For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." - Matthew 18: 20

English Young Families
Reading: Sunday Gospel
Language: English
Contact: Patrick Ku
Email: patrick.ku@gmail.com
Time: 1st Sunday of month (5:30-7PM), 4th Saturday of month (5-8PM)

Reading: 新约、旧约、 主日弥撒读经
Language: Chinese – Mandarin
- Friday 7:30pm, Zoom, Drizzle (drizzlechang@gmail.com)
- Friday 8:00pm, San Jose, Rita Zhang (zhangrulizhangruli@gmail.com)
- Sunday 10:00am, Cupertino, Teresa Chai (teresachai9038@gmail.com)
We welcome anyone who would like to join Bible Study and share in Chinese. A majority of the members are young adults from China.

Cornerstone Bible Study
Reading: 哥羅森書 Colossians
Language: Chinese – Mandarin
Contact: Vincent Wang
Email: vww1@yahoo.com
Time: Every other Friday evening (8:00 ~ 10:00 pm)
Location: South San Jose, Sunnyvale and Cupertino area
We welcome anyone who would like to join bible study and sharing in Mandarin. Most of participants have children in the ages of high school and college.

Reading: Catholic Prayer 基督徒的祈禱
Language: English/ Mandarin
Contact: Lucia Hsiang (luciahsiang@gmail.com)
Martina Niou (mniou@hotmail.com)
Time: Every Other Saturday Evening
Location: In South Bay or Fremont

Santa Clara Bible Sharing
Reading: 格林多前書,格林多後書,迦拿達書和厄弗所書
Language: Chinese – Mandarin
Contact: 吳鴻業 Frank Wu
Email: Frank.h.wu@gmail.com
Time: Biweekly, 1st & 3rd Friday 8PM
Location: 吳鴻業 家

基督體驗營 – West San Jose
Reading: Act of the Apostles – To begin John’s Gospel
Language: Chinese – Mandarin
Contact :Rae Yang, Maria Pei, Tek Wei
Email : rryyang @yahoo.com
Time: Wednesday 7:30pm to 9:30pm
Location: San Jose, Sunnyvale, Cupertino, Saratoga

Berryessa 週二讀經小組
Email: Berryessa@sjccm.com
地點:Berryessa Library.
3355 Noble Ave,San Jose, Ca.

西北區查經班 (Palo Alto – Los Altos)
Reading: John’s Gospel , Jeremiah, Baruch, Wisdom
Language: Chinese – Mandarin
Contact: Shingmin Wu
Email: shingmin.wu@gmail.com
Time: Every Friday 8:00pm to 10:00pm
Location: Five host families at the time, 4 in Palo Alto 1 in Los Altos

English Young Adult Bible Study
Language: English
Contact: Peter Xu (sc.peter.xu@gmail.com)
Time: Every other Saturday afternoon
Location: San Jose (Berryessa)

West 2 Bible Study Group
Reading: 主日讀經
Language: Chinese – Mandarin
Contact : Zhu Hui (朱慧)
Email zhuhui2000@yahoo.com
Time: Meet two times a month on Friday evening
Location: Cupertino/Saratoga /Campbell /South San Jose

Language: Chinese – Mandarin
Contact: Feng Shuang (馮雙)
Email: cnfengshuang@gmail.com
Time: Saturday afternoon 2:30~4:30

English young adults Book Club
Reading: “The Power of Silence” by Robert Cardinal Sarah
Language: English
Contact: Matthew Chan talcite@gmail.com, Shanmei Kuang shpammy@gmail.com
Time: Sundays after 3pm mass
Location: St. Clare Rectory Dining Room

Women’s Bible Group
Reading: Studying Joyful Mysteries of the rosary
Language: English
Contact: Becky becky.ucsd@gmail.com / Kelly kelly_kao@seethelord.org
Location: Google Hangouts from your own home!