"But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth. He will not speak on his own, but he will speak what he hears, and will declare to you the things that are coming." - John 16:13
"當那一位真理之神來時,他要把你們引入一切真理,因為他不憑自己講論,只把他所聽到的講出來,並把未來的事傳告給你們." - 若望福音16:13

成人慕道班 What is RCIA?

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a journey of faith during which the participants seek a conversion of heart and develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This is a gradual process and takes places within the community of the faithful. As members of the Christian community, we manifest the Lord’s presence to those who are seeking to join us in faith, by our words and by our gestures of hospitality. It is together with the worshiping community that we celebrate the Rites that are a part of the Initiation process. The RCIA process looks to the gathered community for support in prayer and evangelization. Those who journey in the RCIA process will recieve the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil.

慕道成為基督徒 Becoming a Catholic At SJCCM

We welcome anyone thinking of joining our Catholic faith and we invite anyone who has not yet been baptized to participate in our RCIA program. The program will help you ease into the Catholic beliefs and practices, answer any questions related to the faith and Church, and affirm what it means to be part of the Catholic community.

For those who were baptized in other Christian faith traditions, or who were baptized Catholic and are now seeking the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist, we invite you to participate in our Sacrament Preparation program for Adults.

For information on either of these programs please contact Shingmin Wu (shingmin.wu@gmail.com) or Fr. Olivera (fr.olivera@gmail.com).

We look forward to welcoming you as fully initiated members of our Catholic Faith.


成人慕道班是協助有意探尋人生真理朋友, 走向心靈皈依和與耶穌基督為友的信仰旅程. 這是在信仰團體中的漸進過程. 我們可以從聖經的教導中, 一起分享生活, 找尋人生的意義. 從教友們的言行上, 尋求天主教的教義. 從莊嚴的敬禮中, 我們全心歸向上主. 教友們以祈禱及福傳的精神, 支持整個慕道的過程, 慕道友將於復活前夕領洗.

加入天主教會— 成人慕道班

如果您或您的親友有興趣認識天主教信仰, 願意認識主耶穌基督及更深入的了解人生的意義,請儘快上網SJCCM.COM 報名登記參加慕道班。或打電話留言: ***-***-**** 或發郵件至 shingmin.wu@gmail.com (吳興民) 或 fr.olivera@gmail.com (歐維禮神父)


中文成人慕道班 Chinese RCIA

日期/時間: 9月1日起,主日彌撒: 3:00pm, 彌撒後 4:15pm ~ 5:30pm (節假日例外)
地點: Dining Room of the Rectory
聯繫人: 吳興民 (shingmin.wu@gmail.com), 歐維禮神父 (fr.olivera@gmail.com)


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