CACCLC「加州華人天主教成年青年信仰生活營」是一個專門為加 州天主教華人成年青年主辦的營隊。很多年轻人从我们的教堂有参加这个營隊,还有感觉对他们的信仰成长有很大的帮助。八月二十五号,我们会为这个營隊有一个 “second collection.” 我们很感谢您的支持。请继续为我们祈祷。谢谢大家。

California Chinese Catholic Living Camp (CACCLC) is an annual camp for Chinese Catholic young adults all over California. Many young adults from our community have attended and the community has helped them to grow in their faith. We will be having a second collection for the camp on August 25 and would greatly appreciate your financial support. Please also continue to keep us in your prayers. Thank you.