我誠摯地邀請每位教會朋友 ,在將臨期和聖誕節期間, 一起頌讀箴言,得著屬天的智慧。讓天主的話語,煉淨我們的心, 潔淨我們的口, 引導我們走義路。
因著得到天主的智慧, 在世走一條蒙福昌盛的道路, 過著分別為聖,通往永生的生活。
12/4/2017~1/7/2018, 每天讀一章箴言。


Dear brothers and sisters,
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; wisdom and instruction fools despise.”(Proverbs 1:7)
To gain the heavenly wisdom, I cordially invite all our community friends to read Proverbs together during the Advent and Christmas season. Let God’s words purify our hearts, cleanse our speaking, and guide us to walk in a righteous way. With God’s wisdom, we will walk in a blessed and prosperous way; we will live a holy life that leads us to an eternal life.
Schedule of Proverbs reading:
12/4/2017~1/7/2018, read one chapter per day.

God bless,
Fr. Olivera