中秋節晚會 Moon Festival 9/14/2019

中秋節晚會 Moon Festival 9/14/2019

中秋節晚會 Moon Festival
日期时间: 9/14/2019, 星期六 , 5:00PM – 8:00PM
地点: St. Clare Parish – Rectory Garden
725 Washington St, Santa Clara, CA 95050

会友赏月, 卡拉OK,提供食物(晚餐,水果,月饼)
活动免费, 欢迎所有人参加

如愿展示才艺或有任何问题欢迎联系Lei He (heleiclemson@gmail.com)
If you have talent and would like to share it during the event, we need you! Please contact Lei He:heleiclemson@gmail.com