On June 2nd, we are co-hosting a screening and Q&A panel with the creator of the new Disney+ TV Series called American Born Chinese, featuring Oscar Award Winning actress Michelle Yeoh, Ke Huy Kwan, and more. This will be a special opportunity to meet and greet Gene Yang, who is the creator of the original graphic novel. Gene is an old parishioner of SJCCM and is the founder of Watermark Youth Group. He will be speaking at the event, and will do a Q&A chat hosted by Patrick Ku. The event will be free, but we will be selling food, raffles, and personally signed books as a fundraiser for World Youth Day!

Please register here: https://forms.gle/Ag3i4V1HPg3MXWTV7

Learn more about Gene and the TV Series in this event announcement video:

歡迎您六月二號前來觀賞即將上映的美國動作喜劇電視劇《American Born Chinese》(《西遊ABC》), 並與創作者及漫畫原創作者楊𧫴倫Gene Yang見面並互動。楊𧫴倫先生是我們CM第一代的年輕教友, 也是我們Watermark青年團體的創始人。屆時他將在活動中發表演講, 並參與由古柏Patrick Ku主持的問答。活動入場免費。我們將出售食物、抽獎券以及個人簽名的書籍以支持世界青年日(World Youth Day)。千萬不要錯過這個難得的機會!

ABC Screening Night Flyer - 1
