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Events for November 24, 2019

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4:30 pm

『基督君王節』暨 SJCCM 堂慶 11/24/2019

  • November 24, 2019 @ 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm

11月24日『基督君王節』,SJCCM 堂慶 每年在這節日我們慶祝團體的生日,今年是第三十六週年,歡迎大家一起來慶祝。這天我們要重溫『更新運動』的心火,回到我們團體在聖荷西建立的根基,在彌撒中神父會祝福並派遣所有的讀經小組繼續傳福音的使命。彌撒後在 Parish Hall 有 Lighthouse 小組設計的幻燈片展,有茶點招待。 We celebrate Christ the King and our community anniversary on November 24th. This year is our church’s 36th anniversary. To remember that our community started with small bible study groups and to renew our faith, Fr. Olivera will commission all our bible study groups at the November […]

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