"...whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." - 2 Corinthians 9: 6-7
“再一說:小量播種的,也要小量收穫;大量播種的,也要大量收穫。每人照心中所酌量的捐助,不要心痛,也不要勉強,因為『天主愛樂捐的人。』” - 格林多後書 9: 6-7
簡介 What is a Financial Council?
財務委員會是依教區規定所成立,每一位成員都有他(她)負責的工作,而執行的方式則依照教區所頒定的細則。 財務委員會分為三個執行小組:
The Financial Council was formed in conjunction with the regulations of the Diocese of San Jose. Every member of the Financial Council has specific responsibilities which are executed in accordance with the procedures as determined by the Diocese. The Financial Committee consists of three executive teams and a coordinator:
- 財務委員會主席 Coordinator
- 財務報表組 Financial Reporting
- 收款組 (A/R) Receivables Group
- 付款組 (A/P) Payment Group
The Finance Council meets once every quarter to analyze the previous quarter’s financial reports and discuss finance-related issues.
Financial Overview
Below are the current information on SJCCM second collection dates and what the money is funding, the total amount collected on Sundays, and financial summaries for the community.
以下是本年度, 第二次奉獻內容和時間表, 主日奉獻總額報告, 財務收支報告
第二次奉獻時間表 Second Collection Schedule
Upcoming Special Collection Dates
- January 26, 2025: Church in Latin America (CLA)
- February 2: Annual Diocesan Appeal (ADA) Kickoff
- March 9: Black & Indian Mission
- March 30: Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
- April 27: Catholic Home Missions Appeal (CHMA)
- May 11: (Good Shepherd Sunday) *Diocesan Priest Retirement Fund
- May 18: **Catholic Charities (send funds directly to them)
- June 1: Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC)
- June 29: Peter’s Pence Collection for the Holy Father
- August 10: Pastoral Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa
主日奉獻總額報告 Total Sunday Collection
主日奉獻總額報告包含主日奉獻籃和網上奉獻的總和。 所有捐款支票煩請開給”SJCCM“。 歡迎上網奉獻。 謝謝您的慷慨奉獻。
The monthly total of the Sunday Collection includes both from baskets and from online. All check donations should be payable to SJCCM. All are welcomed to use our Online Giving link. Thank you for your continuous support. For a detailed report of our collection amount, click on the button below.
Below is the Sunday collections performance for the first 7 months of our fiscal year thus far (7/1/24-6/30/25):
Goal 7/1/24 through 1/31/25: $120,000
Actual 7/1/24 through 1/31/25: $112,800
Variance: ($7,200)
Fiscal Year Goal (7/1/24-6/30/25): $185,000
We achieved 94% of Sunday collection goal for the first 7 months of our current fiscal year. Miscellaneous revenue and interest income are above goal, so we are on track on an overall basis. Thanks!!

Help Build a Better SJCCM
We are excited to inform you that we offer Online Giving on www.sjccm.com! As a church that seeks to serve, we wanted to provide you the convenience of being able to give the way you want, whenever you want.
Online Giving offers you the opportunity to make secure, automatic contributions from your bank account or credit card (Visa / Master) account to our church. Online Giving costs you nothing and provides many advantages to you and the church.
我們很高興通知您,我們在www.sjccm.com上提供網上奉獻! 作為一個尋求服務的教會,我們希望為您提供隨時奉獻, 方便奉獻的簡易方式。
網上奉獻提供了安全,自動捐款的機會。 從銀行帳戶或信用卡(Visa / Master)直接撥款奉獻。 網上奉獻沒有任何手續費,並為您和教會提供多樣優勢。