What is Mass?

The Celebration of Mass is in two parts that forms a single act of worship:

  1. The Liturgy of the Word (Word of God):
    readings, homily, and general intercessions.
  2. The Liturgy of the Eucharist (Body of the Lord):
    presentation of the bread and wine, consecratory thanksgiving, and communion.


彌撒亦稱「感恩祭」,是聖教會祭獻天主的大禮,其名稱來自拉丁文Missa的音譯。古代聖教會舉行感恩祭時,在禮儀結束時會向參禮會眾說:「Ite, missa est」(拉丁文)意思是:「彌撒禮成,你們去傳佈福音吧」!因此,「彌撒」便成了感恩祭的代用名稱。





Last Supper 最後的晚餐

Mass, also known as “the Eucharist,” is God’s gift to the Church of St. sacrifice, whose name comes from the Latin Missa transliteration. When the ancient Church of the Holy Eucharist, held at the end of the ritual will participate ceremony the congregation : “Ite, missa est” ( Latin ) means: “Mass the ceremony , you go right to preach the gospel!”  Thus, “Mass” has become the alternative name of thanksgiving offering.

Mass from the “New Testament Bible”  The Last Supper. According to the Gospel accounts, Jesus crucifixion on the eve of the dinner were picked unleavened bread and wine, thanks for the blessing, the bread, the wine into his blood Eucharist, the disciples to eat, drink, and ordered his disciples to to do so, to honor Him; after dinner, namely the delivery of Jesus, to suffer at Calvary was crucified and died, sacrificed their lives.

Jesus established the Eucharist at the Last Supper, held the first Eucharist. He put the bread and wine are consecrated for His Eucharistic blood, showing His suffering death, poured out his precious blood for all mankind to make a sin offering. Church every Sunday Eucharistic celebration was held, that is in accordance with Jesus commanded His re-direct the Last Supper and the Cross at Calvary on Good Friday in the holy sacrifice of death.

Church of the Holy Mass is the most important, most held ritual ceremonies, and also the main peak, the main activities of Catholics faith life revolves around the ritual Mass carried out. Its purpose is through the Eucharist blood sacrifice of Jesus and God and the faithful divine life combined, but also to express adore God, confession, thanksgiving, and prayer. Therefore, in each Mass CITIC faithful cheered : ” Christ, we preach Thy reported dead, we celebrate Thy resurrection, we look forward to the coming of Thy glory.”

禮儀週期 – 教會如何慶祝耶穌基督的神聖奧蹟?
What is the the Catholic Liturgical Year?

教會在一年週期內,發揮耶穌基督的全部奧蹟,從降孕、誕生、受難、死亡及復活,直到耶穌升天和聖神降臨,以致期待光榮的希望及主耶穌的再來。教會如此紀念救贖奧蹟,是為給信友敞開主的德能並使奧蹟好像時常活現臨在,使信友親身接觸,充滿救恩。 (禮儀憲章102號)

主日彌撒讀經 Sunday Gospel: 分甲、乙、丙年,以示選用福音書的不同。 三年為一個循環。 Rotate every three years (A, B, and C) reading from different Books.
甲年 A: 瑪竇福音 St. Matthew
乙年 B: 瑪爾谷福音 St. Mark
丙年 B: 路加福音 St. Luke

禮儀年的開始 The Start of the Liturgy Year: 自將臨期第一主日,直到常年期的基督君王節結束。 From the first Sunday in Advent and end on Christ the King Sunday in Ordinary Time.

禮儀節期主要可分為: 將臨期聖誕期四旬期復活期常年期。 其禮儀週期簡述如下:

週 期 起 迄 意 涵 選用祭衣
1. 將臨期
First Day of Advent

Christmas Eve
  • 紀念基督第一次來臨。
  • 期待基督在光榮中的再次來臨。
  • 代表色為紫色,表示懺悔、刻苦、補贖。
2. 聖誕期

Baptism of the Lord
First Sunday after Epiphany
  • 紀念基督的「道成人身」,這是救恩的開始,也是人性與神性交換的起點。
  • 天主聖三有了救世的計畫,聖母與聖子順服的承行主旨,於是事就這樣成了。
  • 代表色為白色,表示無罪、純潔、喜樂、光榮、勝利。
3. 四旬期
Ash Wednesday

Last Supper
Holy Thursday
  • 整個教會陪伴候洗者,做洗禮前最後階段的準備。以紀念自己的洗禮和悔罪皈依,來準備慶祝踰越奧跡。
  • 四旬期福音中強調的是:信友藉祈禱、刻苦、行愛德、懺悔、做補贖,使我們以純潔的心神參與耶穌的踰越奧蹟,是以要洗心革面,回頭改過;即整個基督徒生活的革新:對天主、對自己、對他人全方面的更新。
  • 代表色為紫色,表示懺悔、刻苦、補贖。
踰越節三日慶 Passover:
Last Supper
Good Friday
Easter Vigil
  • 使天主子民一同參與基督的苦難、死亡與復活。
  • 代表色為紅色,表示火與血,猶如熾熱的愛德與殉道者的犧牲。
4. 復活期
Easter Vigil

  • 是教會最大、最重要、最原始的慶節就是耶穌復活節,原稱踰越節 Pascha,為紀念和慶祝耶穌死而復活的「踰越奧蹟」。
  • 預示將要來臨的新天新地、天上的耶路撒冷。
  • 禮儀主題皆顯示人們跟隨基督回歸天鄉,享受復活的光榮的渴盼。
  • 代表色為白色,表示無罪、純潔、喜樂、光榮、勝利。
5. 常年期
Baptism of the Lord
First Sunday After Epiphany

The Day before Ash Wednesday

Monday after Pentecost

After Christ the King

  • 在34個週期中,以主日為核心。
  • 是踰越節三日慶的縮影,慶祝主的死亡與復活,並等待他光榮再來。
  • 在常年期中,也慶祝和救恩事件相關的慶節,如:
  • 預報救主降生(三月廿五日)
  • 獻耶穌於聖殿(二月二日)
  • 耶穌顯容(八月六日)
  • 光榮十字聖架(九月十四日)
  • 聖三節
  • 基督聖體聖血節
  • 耶穌聖心節…等。
  • 代表色為綠色,表達出成長、生命、希望、忠信。



  • 耶穌復活節: 天主教會最大的慶節,雖然每年在不固定的日子上慶祝,但一定是在主日上,大約是在三月底至四月底之間。
  • 耶穌升天節 :復活節後第四十天。
  • 聖神降臨節: 復活節後第五十天。
  • 耶穌聖誕節: 十二月二十五日。
  • 主顯節( 三王來朝): 元月六日或接近這日子的主日。
  • 聖母升天節: 八月十五日。

(轉載於台灣天主教 花蓮主教府 網站)

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