2017 將臨期 週末避靜 11/10-11/12

2017 將臨期 週末避靜 11/10-11/12

神師: 徐豐 神父
主題: 默西亞—人類的希望!
日期: 2017年 11月10日5:00PM ~ 11月12日12:30PM
地點: St. Clare’s Retreat Center
(2381 Laurel Glen Rd, Soquel, CA 95073)
費用: 單人房 $175,雙人房 $150 (每人)
報名: 網路報名
Shingmin Wu 吳興民 (408-887-7888, *******)

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Santa Clara Faith Formation Conference 11/3/2017, 11/4/2017

At  Santa Clara convention Center, 11/4/2017 (Saturday)

講員:夏志誠主教, Section 727, 1pm-2pm
大會主題: 上主不會離棄祂的百姓。

講員:陳小瓊修女, Section 628, 10:45am-11:45am
主題: 對撒瑪利亞女人故事的反省。
通過從女性的角度分析這段聖經故事, 我們會發現耶穌門徒的陶成在與耶穌相遇的美好經驗中完成.同時也邀請我們批判性的思維以尋求並宣揚聖經中的真理。 從中我們會受到一些靈性生命方面的啟發並我們的靈性成長有所裨益。

講員:翟林湧神父, Section 828, 3pm-4pm
主題: 新福傳。
福傳是教會的本質。只有在福傳中我們的教會、團體才可成長。 這成長不僅限於團體人數增加,也是我們信德的加深與靈修的豐富。 福傳的團體才是健康的團體。面對在現代世俗中對福傳的種種阻礙, 我們如何在個人生命中,在我們團體中燃起福傳的火焰。 如何在美國特定的環境中, 福傳於華人移民。

Online Registration 網路報名https://scffc.org/registration/
SJCCM將補助每人$20, 報名後再申請補助. 補助請參閱財務組請款步驟: /blog/2016/02/26/reimbursement-request-process/
Dates: Friday, November 3, 2017
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Time: Start from 9am on 11/3
Location: Santa Clara Convention Center
5001 Great America Parkway
Santa Clara, CA 95054 (408) 748-7000

Please click on below link for conference keynote speakers and schedule:

Please visit https://scffc.org/ to register and view the conference schedule and sessions.

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SJCCM 2017 Summer Retreat 暑期退省照片

Photographer 攝影: 吳興民

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SJCCM 2017 Annual Summer Retreat
Theme:  In the footsteps of Christ, witness of the Gospel

The main theme of this retreat will be 「In the footsteps of Christ, witness of the Gospel」. As we begin to prepare our second year of the Arise process, we will be blessed with Fr. Aldrich’s visit. From his teaching we will discern about how our Faith sharing groups, Bible groups, Catechetical Ministry and our whole community can grow in the spirit of evangelization. Everybody in the community, English speaking and Chinese speaking, adults and young people, are invited. As we did the last year, we will use some of the afternoon time to discuss our plan for the new pastoral year that we are beginning. Please register as soon as possible!

Subject: In the footsteps of Christ, witness of the Gospel
Time: 08/26/2017 (Sat) 09:00am – 04:30pm
Location: St. Clare Lower Church
Guest Speaker: Fr. Aldrich
Who: All brothers and sisters of our Mission
contact: James Hua  *******
Fee: $0 (lunch included; registration required)

09:00 – 09:15 Arrive
09:15 – 12:30 Morning session
12:30 – 01:30 Lunch Break
01:30 – 03:30 Afternoon session
03:30 – 04:00 SJCCM Update and Plan
04:00 – 04:30 Conclusion, Prayer, Blessing

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Photographer 攝影: Andy Sun

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起來! 在基督內共融 Arise 第三季10/8-11/18

Arise 第三季: 跟隨基督的腳蹤

The theme of the Sixth Session, “Called to Arise”, is an encouragement to put into practice what we have shared. In Breaking open our story we find a sharing about the courage of the Bishops of Malawi to speak out for justice. The biblical text for our sharing is The last Judgment (Matthew 25;31-46). An interesting sharing can be: If I had to retell the Las judgment parable for our society, what kind of action toward what kind of people would I list? What can we do personally and as a community for those in need around us? Sunday Gospel: Mt. 25:1-13. “’Lord, Lord, open the door for us!’ But he said in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, I do not know you.’… Therefore, stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour.”

「起來! 在基督內共融」:
「起來! 在基督內共融」 是我們團體2016暑假後展開的一個為期三年的堂區活動。這是繼數年前我們團體曾兩次舉辦的「更新運動」的延續。其目的是在我們準堂區內建立更多新的信仰小組。稍後我們會陸續公佈更多詳情。敬請大家關注, 並為此意向祈禱。
“Arise! Together in Christ”, is the name of a three years program for parishes that our Mission began after the 2016 summer break. This program is the development of the early “Renew” program in which our community take part many years ago. The goal of this program is the formation of new faith groups across our Mission. We will soon give you updates. Please keep it in your prayer for this intention!

作者: 古偉業
“你們不可與此世同化,反而應以更新的心思變化自己” (羅 12:2)

第一季: 基督在我內,
第二季: 悔改和皈依,
第三季: 跟隨基督的腳蹤,
第四季: 心靈的更新,
第五季: 傳給人。



什麼是更新運動?為什麼我們團體要再一次的推行?『更新』與其説是一種運動,勿寧説是一種『陶成過程』(Formation) ,希望藉著這個陶成方法幫助我們不只是認識基督,更是和祂建立起親密的關係,更喜愛讀聖經,祈禱和領受聖事,進而樂意出來服務並且為主做見證。



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Photographer 攝影: Jimmy Chen, Rosa Wang

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Photographer 攝影:穆景梅

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The MP3 files of the 6/24/2017 SJCCM信仰加油站 seminar are ready to be downloaded from the following URLs:
MP3 files (whose session titles are as following blue-fonts marked):


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6/25 ~ 7/1 Ps. 1 – 14 Lord, how awesome is your name through all the earth! (Ps. 8,2)
7/2 ~ 7/8 Ps. 15 – 25 The LORD is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack. (Ps. 23,1)
7/9 ~ 7/15 Ps. 26 -34 I sought the LORD, and he answered me,
delivered me from all my fears. (Ps. 34,5)
7/16 ~ 7/22 Ps. 35 – 41 Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will act (Ps. 37,5)
7/23 ~ 7/29 Ps. 42 – 52 A clean heart create for me, God; renew within me a steadfast spirit. (Ps. 51 ,12)
7/30 ~ 8/5 Ps. 53 – 62 My soul rests in God alone, from whom comes my salvation. (Ps. 62,2)
8/6 ~ 8/12 Ps. 63 – 72 In you, Lord, I take refuge; let me never be put to shame (Ps. 71.1)
8/13 ~ 8/19 Ps. 73 – 81 Help us, God our savior, on account of the glory of your name. (Ps. 79,9)
8/20 ~ 8/26 Ps. 82 – 92 Blessed the man who finds refuge in you. (Ps. 84,6)
8/27 ~ 9/2 Ps. 93—105 Merciful and gracious is the Lord, slow to anger, abounding in mercy. (Ps. 103, 8)
9/3 ~ 9/9 Ps. 106—115 We will triumph with the help of God, who will trample down our foes. (Ps. 108, 14)
9/10 ~ 9/16 Ps. 116—120 Your hands made me and fashioned me. (Ps. 119, 73)
9/17 ~ 9/23 Ps. 121—138 Unless the LORD builds the house, they labor in vain who build. (Ps. 127,1)
9/24 ~ 9/30 Ps. 139—150 Blessed the people whose God is the Lord. (Ps. 144,15)
日期 讀經進度 天主的話語甦醒人心
6/25 ~ 7/1 詠1 – 14 上主,我們的主!你的名號在普世何其美妙! (詠 8,2)
7/2 ~ 7/8 詠15 – 25 上主是我的牧者,我實在一無所缺. (詠23,1)
7/9 ~ 7/15 詠26 -34 我尋求了上主,祂聽了我的祈求:由我受的一切驚惶中,將我救出. (詠34,5)
7/16 ~ 7/22 詠35 – 41 將你的行徑委託於上主,寄望於祂,祂必使之成就. (詠37,5)
7/23 ~ 7/29 詠42 – 52 天主,求你給我再造一顆純潔的心,求你使我心重獲堅固的精神. (詠51 ,12)
7/30 ~ 8/5 詠53 – 62 我的靈魂只安息在天主內,因為我的救援是由他而來. (詠62,2)
8/6 ~ 8/12 詠63 – 72 上主,我託庇於你,使我永不受羞恥!(Ps. 71.1)
8/13 ~ 8/19 詠73 – 81 天主,我們的救主,為你名的光榮,協助我們. (詠79,9)
8/20 ~ 8/26 詠82 – 92 那以你作為自己的助佑,居心朝聖的人,真是有福! (詠84,6)
8/27 ~ 9/2 詠93—105 上主富於仁慈寬恕,極其慈悲,遲於發怒. (詠103, 8)
9/3 ~ 9/9 詠106—115 我們倚靠天主,奮勇行事。衪必要踏踐我們的仇讎. (詠108, 14)
9/10 ~ 9/16 詠116—120 袮的雙手創造了我. (詠119, 73)
9/17 ~ 9/23 詠121—138 若不是上主興工建屋,建築的人是徒然勞苦. (詠127,1)
9/24 ~ 9/30 詠139—150 認上主為天主的人民,真是有福!. (詠144,15)

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暑期讀經–讓我們一起讀『得撒洛尼前書 – 得撒洛尼後書』

6/1 ~ 6/17 I Thessalonians 1 ~ 5 Along with encouragement, Paul reminded them of his teachings to live a life of holiness, purity, faith in the Resurrection, and to be prepared for the second coming of Jesus.
6/18 ~ 6/24 II Thessalonians 6 ~ 8 Some Christians, believing the coming of Jesus was imminent, stopped working for a living. Paul corrected them and told them: “If any one will not work, let him not eat.” (2 Th 3:10)
日期 讀經進度 主要議題
6/1 ~ 6/17 得前1 ~ 5 除了鼓勵信徒之外,保祿提醒他們關於成聖, 貞潔,相信復活的教導,並為耶穌的第二次來臨做好準備。
6/18 ~ 6/24 得前6 ~ 8 保祿糾正了一些信徒的想法,他們因為想到耶穌即將來臨就辭退了他們的工作。保祿告訴他們,不要想『主的日子迫近了』就不工作,又說:『誰若不願意工作,就不應當吃飯』。(得後3:10)

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