收錄禮 RCIA Rite of Acceptance [照片] 10/30/2016

收錄禮 RCIA Rite of Acceptance [照片] 10/30/2016

攝影 Photographer : George Tsai

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慕道班聚餐 RCIA Potluck [照片] 10/23/2016

攝影 Photographer: Fr. Olivera

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RCIA potluck, Sunday after Mass, preparing the rite of acceptance for next Sunday.

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童子軍 Cub Scouts [照片] 10/23/2016

攝影 Photographer : Fr. Olivera

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Our little Cub Scouts preparing their first camping for next weekend.
Happy children, happy families!

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Arise Session 1 Week 3 [照片]

攝影 Photographer : Fr. Olivera

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  • The Choir group of Arise, Saturday evening, together in Christ!
  • Epiphany, third week of Arise, together in Christ!
  • 5th street group of Arise, third week, together in Christ!
  • Busy Moms/Dads, Arise group, third week. Sunday after Mass, together in Christ!
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故友新知 [照片] 10/23/2016

攝影 Photographer: Fr. Olivera

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  • Lulu introducing new friends from Taiwan to RCIA, most welcome!
  • 好久不見的朋友們,兩年前給這小孩子受洗在我們的教堂!
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小磐石查經班 Little Rock Bible Study [照片] 10/22/2016

攝影 Photographer: Fr. Olivera

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禮儀組派遣禮 Liturgy Commissioning [照片] 10/16/2016

攝影 Photographer : 蔡聖如 George Tsai

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成人慕道班 RCIA [照片] 10/16/2016

攝影 Photographer : Fr. Olivera

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成人慕道班 RCIA [照片] 10/9/2016

攝影 phtographer: Fr. Olivera

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騎士團會議 Knight of Columbus 09/11/2016

攝影 Photographer: Fr. Olivera

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