

日期: 10/4 (星期五) 6:00 pm 至 10/6 (星期日) 5:00 pm
地點: Staybridge Suites- 321 Cypress Dr. , Milpitas, Ca. 95035

誠摯地邀請你們自己, 共渡一個完全屬於你們的溫馨週末: 只有貼心的交談, 和細心地聆聽彼此的傾訴, 並重燃埋在內心深處的愛情之火. 天主保佑! 今年名額己滿, 請上網登記後補


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聖母軍年度避靜 6/29/2019

主領 : 岳修女
日期: 六月29日, 2019
時間 : 9:30am to 4:00pm (Sat.)
地點 : St. Clare Church (Parish Hall)
請於6/17前向佩青報名 (餐費$10)

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4/7/2019 SJCCM Cub Scouts Hiking, Potluck & Award Event Pictures

Photographer: Fr. Olivera

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12/15/2018 聖母軍常年大會


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哥倫布騎士團在將臨期和聖誕期間,將為低收入家庭的兒童購買外套,幫助他們渡過一個溫暖的冬天。騎士團會經由聖文生善會,發放給有需要的孩子們。支票抬頭請寫:SJCCM,備註:Coats for Kids。善款支票可以直接放入主日奉獻籃,或者交給任何一位騎士,代轉給團體收納。 捐款結止日:12/30 (日)”

“Knights of Columbus will host an Advent/Christmas season fund raising for the “Coats for Kids” program to purchase 2 boxes of coats , 1 box for boys and 1 box for girls. We will distribute the new coats for kids through St. Vincent De Paul. Make your donation check payable to: SJCCM, memo: Coats for Kids. You can put your check into a Sunday collection basket or pass your check to any Knights for collection. Donation concludes on 12/30 (Sun).

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2018 Cub Scouts/CM Halloween Activity

Photographer: Joanne Hsia

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2018 聖母軍 照片

攝影: 歐神父

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12/10/2017 Cub Scouts Annual Banquet Photos

Photographer: Fr. Olivera

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Photographer: George Tsai

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第三十屆基督活力運動 5/26 – 29/2017

Photographer 攝影: Fr. Olivera 歐神父, 家興

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Chinese Catholic Cursillo in Christianity

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