與周樞機尋找內在的自由 6/15/2024「照片」

與周樞機尋找內在的自由 6/15/2024「照片」

Visit of Cardinal Chow on 06/15/2024


Join us for a special event in June as Cardinal Stephen Chow, S.J., the Bishop of Hong Kong, visits the Bay Area to meet with the Chinese Catholic community. Hosted by the SJCCM Cantonese Group, this half-day event will feature the Cardinal sharing insights on inner freedom, followed by a Q&A session.

香港主教周守仁樞機在六月份到訪灣區,與灣區華人天主教徒見面。我們誠邀大家參加由 SJCCM 粵語組主辦的一個特別活動,主題爲「與周樞機尋找內在的自由」。

Speaker 主講:Cardinal Stephen Chow, S.J. 周守仁樞機
Language 語言:Cantonese 粵語
Date 日期:6/15 (Saturday 星期六)
Time 時間:9:30am – 1:30pm
Venue 地點:St. Clare Parish Hall 禮堂/教堂
Fees 費用:$20

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Cantonese Community Annual BBQ on 04/27/2024

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Preparing the Last Super of Jesus Mass 03/27/2024

Preparing the Mass of the Last Supper of Jesus Mass for Holy Thursday in the Parish Hall, thank you so much for the many volunteers of the Cantonese and Mandarin community who came to help, some of them are not in the picture. Together we did it quickly and joyfully, what a blessing!

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粵語組四旬期避靜 03/16/2024

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