Photographer: Fr. Olivera
Photographer: Fr. Olivera
photographer: Stella Wong
“special thanks to Dominic, Wing, and Tao who did a great job as CM3 classroom helpers.”
Photographer: Fr. Olivera
主題: 聖神也扶助我們的軟弱,親自以無可言喻的歎息,代我們轉求。(羅八26)
主辦﹕ SJCCM – 聖荷西華人天主教會
對象﹕ 教友、非教友、及渴望認識天主者
地點: St. Clare’s Church (Parish Hall)
(941 Lexington St, Santa Clara, CA 95050)
主領: 主僕疏效平
報名: 江嵩,Tel:408-391-9953,******* ,
王培琳,Tel:408-929-5131, *******
9:30 報到 |
9:45 主辦單位展開序幕 |
9:50 到主跟前來(疏效平) |
10:00 讚美與敬拜(李家欣) |
10:30 第一講:聖神扶助我們的軟弱,親自以無可言喻的歎息,代我們轉求。(羅八26)(疏效平) |
11:30 休息 |
11:50 讚美與敬拜(李家欣) |
12:00 見證(楊文智) |
12:20 聖言與祈禱(疏效平) |
12:30 中餐 |
13:30 讚美與敬拜(李家欣) |
14:20 休息 |
14:40 聖神內領洗、治癒、釋放覆手祈禱(疏效平與服務組) |
15:50 主辦單位總結 |
16:00 帶著主恩歸 |
Photographer: Joanne Hsia
Photographer: Fr. Olivera
Photographers: Fr. Olivera, Melissa Kuo
For more pictures, please visit the link below:
2018 Watermark Halloween Party
攝影: 歐神父
Many Voices, One Song: Voices united in faith and in praise of God
Benefit Concert
Date/time: Saturday, November 3, 3pm-5pm
Place: Saint Clare Parish Hall
Contact: Vivian Chu 朱玉蓉 (*******)
USCCA (中美天主教文化交流協會) 是滿而溢神父以前服務的單位,以促進中美天主教教會及教友之間的交流為宗旨 。他們在美國每二年舉辦一次conference, 平常則舉辦China Study Tour 及中國朝聖團,並且每三、四個月出版一次newsletter,讓美國天主教團體瞭解中國天主教團體的動態 。
USCCA 一年前由Fr. Michael 接棒,他在Harvard大學物理系畢業後,取得神學博士,並在大學教書 。最近他開始給輔友的大陸訪問學者開英文會話班,彼此增進往來和溝通,並保持滿神父在時的傳統。因為這個組織的經費有限,活動很多,希望大家能大力支持此次募款音樂會(時間是11/3 週六3-5pm),音樂會後有點心招待!為方便統計人數, 請在下面的 RSVP Here 報名參加。謝謝!
The San Jose Chinese Catholic Mission Choir will host a benefit concert to highlight the work of the US-China Catholic Association and its efforts in support for the Church in China. Fr. Michael Agliardo, director of the China Association, will speak. The Mid-Peninsula Chinese Catholic Community Choir, the Chinese Catholic Community Choir at St. Joseph’s, Fremont, and renowned Jesuit composer Fr. Bob Fabing will also perform. The event feature works of Fr. Fabing and local artist Jerry Chu. A reception will follow.
There is no admission fee. However, so that your hosts know how many to expect, please RSVP here (請在下面網站報名):