Easter-Vigil-Mass-&-Baptism 望復活照片 4/15/2017

Easter-Vigil-Mass-&-Baptism 望復活照片 4/15/2017

Photographer 攝影:吳興民, Daniel Wang

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Stations of the Cross – Good Friday 聖週五多族裔拜苦路 4/14/2017

Photographer 攝影:吳興民

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起來! 在基督內共融 第二季各小組聚會照片 4/2017

攝影 Photographer: Fr. Olivera

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彭修女靈修講座 4/9/2017

攝影 Photographer: 吳興民

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聖枝主日 4/9/2017

攝影 Photographer: 吳興民

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聖週禮儀 Holy Week Liturgy Schedule at St. Clare Parish 2017

聖枝主日 Palm Sunday 4/9: 紀念耶穌勝利進入耶路撒冷城,有聖枝遊行。
3PM Chinese Mass(St. Clare Church) – English Mass at lower church

聖週四 Holy Thursday 4/13: 紀念主的最後晚餐,有主的最後晚餐彌撒、濯足禮。
7:30PM Our Lord’s Supper with washing of the feet (St. Clare Church)

聖週五 Good Friday 3/25: 耶穌受難日,宣讀若望福音受難史、朝拜十字聖架。
12PM – Meditation of the Last 7 Words of Jesus
2PM – Our Lord’s Passion
7:30PM – Outdoor stations of the cross (English, Spanish, Portuguese, Cantonese and Mandarin)

聖週六 Easter Vigil 4/15: 望復活,守夜禮、紀念救恩工程、重新宣聖洗誓願、祝聖等。
8:30PM Easter Vigil Mass, Full Initiation of the Elect and Candidates

復活主日 Easter Sunday 4/16: 「耶穌復活大節日」,耶穌的復活是你我復活的保證。
9AM Mass in Chinese at 5th Street and celebration after Mass
3PM Chinese/English Bilingual Mass and Baby Baptism(St. Clare Church)
4:30PM-7:30PM Celebration (St. Clare Church Parish Hall)and Egg Hunting (Santa Clare University) after Mass

何謂「聖週」? 為何基督徒如此大肆慶祝「聖週」?


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清明追思祭祖彌撒 4/1/2017

攝影Photographer: 歐神父

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四旬期避靜 4/1/2017

神師:徐豐 神父
主題:在基督內站起來 — 與方濟各教宗一起善度四旬期的重洗生活
日期:April 1, 2017 (Saturday)
時間:9:00AM – 5:00PM
地點:St. Clare Parish Hall

攝影 Photographer: 吳興民

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CM 2017-2018 New School Year Registration Starts on 4/2/2017

The new CM calendar year 2017 to 2018 registration starts on 4/2/2017.
Please register your student(s) in our website sjccm.com, under MINISTRIES.
Early registration end on 5/21/2017, after that the fee will have $20 increase for each student. Please go to sjccm.com for registration details.

新的學年,2017-2018, 兒童要理班即將在4/2/2017開始接受網路報名。
5月21日優惠報名截止,以後報名者,費用將增加20元,詳細資料請家長看 sjccm.com 的網站說明。謝謝!

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慕道班第二次懇禱禮 3/26/2017

Photographer 攝影: Joy

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