團體四十週年慶 – 粵語組加入我們的大家庭

團體四十週年慶 – 粵語組加入我們的大家庭

San Jose Chinese Catholic Mission 40 anniversary – The Cantonese Group joining our big family

Date: Sunday, November 26, 2023 – Solemnity of Christ the King
Holy Mass presided by Bishop Oscar Cantu
Location: St. Clare’s Church – 941 Lexington St, Santa Clara, CA 95050
— 2:00 pm 彌撒 Mass
— 3:30 pm 茶點招待 Reception (refreshments served)
請以家庭為單位填寫如下報名表 (Please fill out the form one per family):

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2023將臨期避靜 11/17-19/2024

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the 1st RCIA Potluck 11/12/2023

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DSJ “Saints in the City” Raphael Wang 11/3/2023

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2023 年 SJCCM 將臨期避靜

主題:「看,我已來到!」 (詠 四十 8)

「看」­­­­– 是我與天主對話的開端,
「我已來到!」– 回應了彼此的渴望。

時間:11/17 (Fri.) 5pm – 11/19 (Sun.) 12pm
地點:St. Clare’s Retreat (2381 Laurel Glen Rd. Soquel, CA 95073 )
費用:(為鼓勵教友參加避靜,SJCCM 贊助每人 $50)
$315 ($265) (單人間,獨立衛浴)
$290 ($240) (單人間,兩間共用衛浴)
$270 ($220)/每人 (雙人間,請先找到室友)
聯絡人:吳興民 Shingmin Wu (shingmin.wu@gmail.com)

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All Saint/Halloween Celebration 10/28/2023

The CM Halloween party, hosted by the Scouts.

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Scouts Weekend Activities 10/21/2023

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Ligthouse 20th Anniversary Pictures 10/14/2023

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2023 Moon Festival At 5th Street After Mass

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SJCCM Moon Festival 09/23/2023

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