RCIA 10/11/2016

RCIA 10/11/2016

RCIA 10/11/2016

攝影 Photographer: Fr. Olivera

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Moon Festival Celebration 09/2016

攝影 Photographer: Fr. Olivera

阿根廷式烤肉慶祝中秋節 Argentine Style barbecue celebrating the Chinese Moon Festival 9/10/16

五街慶中秋 Moon Festival Celebration at 5th Street 9/11/16

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堂區名錄附錄 Family Directory Appendix

在我們的家庭名錄附錄有以下三種篇幅 :

  • 特殊的慶祝活動:為您重要的家庭活動,如婚禮、週年紀念和畢業等。
  • 紀念:為我們已過世的兄弟姐妹們,和曾經為我們服務的已逝世的神父們。
  • 商家廣告:從整頁到名片大小的廣告,如果您或任何朋友有興趣,請告訴我們!

Dear brothers and sisters,

the Photo directory event is near the conclusion with more than one hundred fifty families participation.

As we are preparing our book, please consider the following three possibilities, just a small donation to cover the cost,

  • Special celebration : for your important family events, such as weddings, anniversaries and graduations.
  • Memorial : for our community departed brothers and sisters, including priests that have minister to us.
  • Business Ad : for advertising in the directory, from a whole page to a business card announcement, if you or any friend is interested please let us know!

Sample Appendix Pages

If you are interested, please fill out the following form:

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暑期籃球營 Summer Basketball Camp 6/2016-8/2016

攝影: Andy Sun

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Watermark Summer Camp 08/12-14/2016

攝影 Photographer: 歐維禮神父 及 Ben Lu 等

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慕道班迎新會 RCIA Kick-Off Meeting 08/14/2016

攝影 Photographer: 歐維禮神父 Fr. Olivera

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成人慕道班第一課 RCIA First Meeting 08/21/2016

攝影 Photographer: 歐維禮神父 Fr. Olivera

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起來! 在基督內共融 Arise! Together in Christ

「起來! 在基督內共融」 是我們團體暑假後即將展開的一個為期三年的堂區活動。這是繼數年前我們團體曾兩次舉辦的「更新運動」的延續。其目的是在我們準堂區內建立更多新的信仰小組。稍後我們會陸續公佈更多詳情。敬請大家關注, 並為此意向祈禱。

“Arise! Together in Christ”, is the name of a three years program for parishes that our Mission will begin after the summer break. This program is the development of the early “Renew” program in which our community take part many years ago. The goal of this program is the formation of new faith groups across our Mission. We will soon give you updates. Please keep it in your prayer for this intention!

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我們的CD –「黎明曙光」