Simon Liao Institution as Lector in his way to become a Deacon
The ceremony is for The Institution of Lector — 領受讀經職(第四年的培訓陶成開始)
Photos from the Mass in the Cathedral with Bishop Cantu on December 5th to close the 40th-anniversary celebration of our Diocese and the Year of Saint Joseph. James and Margarita represented our community, we receive a lamp as a symbol of the Light of Christ that we have to bring to our Mission. At the end of the Mass Bishop Cantu planted a tree in the garden of the Cathedral as a symbol of hope.
The Annual multilingual Catholic Catechetical Conference is going to held Nov. 4-6, which is organized by many dioceses in the west of USA. It is going to be virtual.
This year we are blessed to have 高夏芳修女和徐鏡堯神父 as speakers. Please help promote the conference in your respective communities.