Photographer: Fr. Olivera
Photographer: Fr. Olivera
SJCCM 一年一度的聖誕晚會定在12月22日下午五點。彌撒後有聖詠團報佳音, 鼓勵大家留下來欣賞同樂。然後到隔壁 Parish Hall 用晚餐及看精彩的娛興表演。歡迎大家參加,也歡迎邀請家人朋友參加!
12/22 當天購票,票價是每人$10。請注意:沒有網路報名。
聯絡人:Vivian Chu,
Christmas Party 12/22(Sun) 5:00 PM
SJCCM annual Christmas party will be held on 12/22. You, your family, and friends are cordially invited to celebrate the birth of baby Jesus with us. There will be dinner and Christmas show/program.
No online registration. Tickets will be sold at the door for $10 per person the day of the Christmas Celebration.
Photographer: Fr. Olivera
Photographer: Fr. Olivera
Today we want to return to the source of our Community
To revive the fire of Arise
Thanks to God for his presence in each of our groups
Please join one of our bible study groups/請加入我們的讀經小組:
讀經小組 Bible Study Groups
Photographer:Fr. Olivera
宗旨草案:Mission Statement
我們被召叫成為一個充滿活力與熱情的天主教團體。在信德和愛德的陶成中,為聖荷西教區及普天下的華人傳 揚耶穌基督的福音。
We are called to be a dynamic Catholic community that is welcoming to all, growing in faith and apostolic love, and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, particularly among the Chinese, in the Diocese of San Jose and beyond.
時間:11月15日 (Fri.) 5:00 pm — 11月17日 (Sun.) 1:00 pm
地點:St. Clare’s Retreat, 2381 Laurel Glen Road, Soquel CA 95073
費用:雙人房 — 每人 $170
單人房(兩房間共用浴室)— 每人 $190
單人房(單人浴室)— 每人 $205
(Please make check payable to “SJCCM”, with memo: “Advent Retreat 2019”)
路芃芃 Teresa Lu (, 408-529-1270)
吳興民 Shingmin Wu (, 408-887-7888)