Chinese Mission and Cantonese Community Integration Update
Dear brothers and sisters of the Chinese Mission,
Last week, on April 18, Father Angelbert, Msgr. Cilia and I met with Bishop Cantú to give him an update regarding the progress of the Cantonese Community’s integration with the Chinese Mission. During the meeting, we shared the excellent outcome of the general meeting that took place on March 12, where representatives from both communities were present.
I am pleased to announce that Bishop Cantú has given his approval for representatives of the Cantonese Community, the Chinese Mission, and DSJ officials to finalize the details of this integration, scheduled for July 1, 2023.
In addition, I am pleased to report that Fr. Angelbert has been granted an extension to continue his valuable assistance to the Cantonese Community for a further period of time. We are awaiting the official canonical letter from Bishop Cantu. In the meantime, let us pray for this intention with joyful expectation, asking our Merciful Lord for abundant fruits of grace.
Fr. Carlos Olivera
上週,四月十八日,Angelbert神父,Cilia 蒙席和我會見了 Cantú 主教。向他介紹了粵語團體與聖荷西華人天主教團體合併的最新進展。 在會議期間,我們分享了兩個團體代表們於三月十二日舉行的大會的傑出成果。
此外,我很高興地向大家報告 Angelbert神父已獲得授權在未來一段時間繼續為粵語團體提供寶貴的幫助。 我們正在等待坎圖主教的正式信函。 與此同時,讓我們懷著喜悅的期待為這個意向祈禱,祈求我們仁慈的主恩賜我們豐盛的果實。