丙年 將臨期第三主日 彌撒視頻 12/15/2024 [NEW]

由於技術故障, 今天無法錄製彌撒視頻, 敬請原諒。

丙年 將臨期第四主日 福音 12/22/2024 [NEW]

恭讀聖路加福音  Lk 1:39-45 

瑪利亞就在那幾天起身,急忙往猶太山地的一座城去,進了匝加利亞的家,就向麗莎問安。 麗莎一聽見瑪利亞問安,胎兒就在她的腹中跳躍。麗莎也充滿了聖神,高聲對瑪利亞說:「你在女子中是蒙祝福的!你的胎兒也是蒙祝福的。我主的母親來到我這裏,這是我從那裏得來的福氣呢? 你看,你問安的聲音一進我的耳朵,胎兒就在我腹中歡喜跳躍。那信了上主傳給她的話必要完成的女子,是有福的。」

Mary set out and traveled to the hill country in haste to a town of Judah, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the infant leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, cried out in a loud voice and said, “Blessed are you among women,  and blessed is the fruit of your womb. And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For at the moment the sound of your greeting reached my ears,  the infant in my womb leaped for joy. Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.”


Gemma and Sydney’s Baptism 12/08/24
Gemma and Sydney's Baptism 12/08/24

聖誕晚會 Christmas Celebration

SJCCM 一年一度的聖誕晚會訂在 12月22日下午五點。
彌撒後有聖詠團報佳音 , 鼓勵大家留下來欣賞同樂。
然後到隔壁 Parish Hall 用晚餐及看精彩的娛興表演。

This time we are not selling tickets in advance,
we kindly suggest free donation at the entrance to support our community events.
Please fill out the form below for headcount.
3:00pm Union Mass
4:00pm Choir Caroling
4:45pm Christmas party in the Parish Hall (The registration is required)

查看詳情 並 報名


12/24/2024  TUE.
聖誕節子夜彌撒 Christmas Eve – (8:30 PM) BILINGUAL MASS

12/25/2024 WED.
聖誕節天明彌撒 Christmas Day
          1:30 PM :  粵語 Cantonese
            3:00 PM : 國語 Mandarin
            4:30 PM : 英語 English

1/1/2025 WED.
 Mother of God (3:00 PM)

SJCCM 2025 Alpha 啟發志工註冊

歡迎您加入 2025 啟發志工團隊

Registration Link: https://forms.gle/DR8v9j2346qiY4iC9
或 掃描此QR Code 

粵語靈修工作坊 Spiritual Workshop [NEW]

神師:  Fr. Salvador Rojas, M.G.
日期:1 月 18 日 (星期六)
時間:10:00am – 4:30pm
地點:St. Clare 禮堂 (941 Lexington St Santa Clara, CA 95050)
收費:$20/位 (包括簡單早點及午餐)。費用於當天報到時收取。

點閱詳情 並 報名

Retrouvaille Announcement

You Can Help Your Marriage – Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue … or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi with a long i) helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. This program has helped 10’s of 1000’s of couples experiencing difficulties in their marriage. For confidential information about or to register for the January Marriage Program beginning with a weekend on Jan 17-19, 2025 call 408-605-4998, email us: SanJose@RetroCA.com or visit the website: www.HelpOurMarriage.org

Pope Francis教宗在科西嘉為全世界呼籲和平





接著,教宗也提到“飽受折磨的緬甸”以及烏克蘭和俄羅斯之間的戰爭。他說,“願天主之母為烏克蘭人民和俄羅斯人民求得他們渴望的和平。‘他們是弟兄’;‘他們是堂兄弟,是兄弟,我不知道… 但願他們相互理解’”



十二月 請為希望的朝聖者祈禱

Let us pray that this Jubilee strengthen us in our faith, helping us to recognize the Risen Christ in the midst of our lives, transforming us into pilgrims of Christian hope.


12/22/2024 丙年將臨期第四主日 

                                進堂曲: O Come O Come Emmanuel


                                領主曲: Hail Mary Gentle Woman  

                                結束曲: 主為我預備道路 

回顧: 12/19/2021 將臨期第四主日 每週一語話聖歌

聖 詠 團 的 禮 物 GIFTS FROM CHOIR

Sunday Collections Monthly Report [UPDATE]

Below is the Sunday collections performance for the first 4 months of our fiscal year thus far (7/1/24-6/30/25):
Goal 7/1/24 through 11/30/24:  $85,000
Actual 7/1/24 through 11/30/24: $70,700
Variance: ($14,300)
Fiscal Year Goal (7/1/24-6/30/25): $185,000

We achieved 83% of Sunday collection goal for the first 5 months of our current fiscal year.  MIscellaneous revenue and interest income is above goal, so we are on track on an overall basis. Thanks!! 

網上奉獻 Online Giving

2025 Special Collection Schedules

主日彌撒 暨 平日彌撒

平日-週六 7:45 AM – Ascension Church


 主日彌撒  – St. Clare Parish

1:30 PM: 粵語彌撒 Cantonese Mass
3:00 PM國語彌撒
ZOOM ID: 732-732-7732
4:30 PM英語彌撒 English Mass


每月首週六7:30PM 明恭聖體及和好聖事
at St. Clare Church

玫 瑰 經 線 上 祈 禱

ZOOM ID:  732-732-7732

A) 週一 ~ 週六 8:00PM
YouTube直播, 可在SJCCM.COM首頁觀看參與

B) 主日 8:00PM
由聖母軍主導, 專為亡靈和病苦者祈禱平台


1. 主日彌撒後 After Sunday Mass
跟歐神父預約在 St. Joseph of Cupertino Church, Cupertino, (預約連接: https://calendly.com/carlosalberto-olivera/15minn)
3. 聯繫歐神父洽談適合時間(fr.olivera@gmail.com)
每月首週六,明恭聖體中 (7:30-8:30PM@St. Clare Chuch)
After Saturday morning 7:45AM-Mass in Ascension Church.  

CLICK for Detail …

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