每週通訊 Weekly Bulletin 08/15/2021

每週通訊 Weekly Bulletin 08/15/2021

主日彌撒 暨 每日祈禱

Indoor Mass

請點下面LINK 查看主日室內國語彌撒詳情, 並報名。

新冠疫情期間,彌撒和祈禱將在網上 Zoom 進行。
同時彌撒和祈禱過程將 sjccm.com 上直播。

主日 3:00pm:國語彌撒 [敬請報名]
主日 4:30pm:English Mass [No Need to Register]平日 8:00pm:玫瑰經

查閱詳解 暨 室內彌撒因人數限制,請務必報名

Join Zoom 732-732-7732

乙年 聖母升天 彌撒視頻 8/15/2021 [NEW]

Rita’s Faith Sharing on 8/15/2021 [NEW]

哥倫布騎士團招人中! Knights Announcement

網上即可加入,訪問kofc.org/joinus 並輸入優惠碼MCGIVNEY2020
填表時,在Preferred Local Council填16673 即可加入本堂的騎士團!
詳情請諮詢Frank Yu(yufrank@yahoo.com) 或 Peter Qu(qxj67@yahoo.com)

HPS-CV 援助計劃 for 極低收入需要幫助支付租金的居民

This is emergency rental assistance for Santa Clara County residences. People who eligible for this program are extremely low income in Santa Clara County and also have to be impacted by the COVID19.  This program can help people pay their back rent from April 2020 until June 2021(select 12 months) as well as three month forward rent. Total fifteen months. Anyone can go online apply for this program. http://preventhomelessness.org/ (also including Chinese).

Click to VIEW pdf flyer for DETAIL

CM 2021-2022 Registration is still open!

Registration is open for families to register their children (PreK-12) for Catechetical Ministry (CM)


CM is offered by SJCCM for the purpose of growing our youth in Catholic theological, moral, and social teaching to develop well-rounded and active members in the Church


Classes this year will take place from 3-4:15 PM 

followed by English Mass from 4:30-5:30 PM


Registration fees for this year have been waived, so please register now by following the link on the SJCCM website, or visit sjccm.org/cm

CLICK to view UPDATED information

Retrouvaille: Married Singles Lifestyle

The Married Singles Lifestyle describes couples that may have lost a sense of closeness they once had as marriage partners and are living more like roommates. Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi with a long i) teaches couples how to survive times like these in their marriages. This program has helped 10’s of 1000’s of couples experiencing difficulty at all levels of marital distress from disillusionment to deep misery. For confidential information about or to register for the September Marriage Program beginning with a weekend on Sept 17-19, 2021 call 408-605-4998, email: SanJose@RetroCA.com or visit our website at www.HelpOurMarriage.org

ILM Registration is open!

教區事奉領導培訓班(ILM)2021-22學年 招生進行中

申請辦法:參見ILM網站https://www.dsj.org/evangelization/institute-for-leadership-in-ministry/ilm-admissions/ 並同歐神父聯繫。

CLICK for Detail …

和好聖事 Reconciliation

1. Make Appointment: https://calendly.com/carlosalberto-olivera/15min
2. After Saturday 3PM Sunday Vigial Mass at St. Clare Church parking lot.
3. Email Fr. Olivera for your question or concern.

CLICK for Detail …

靈修資料推薦 Faith Formation Resources

Sunday Collections Monthly Report (JUL 2021)

YTD Goal 7/1/20 through 7/31/21:  $15,000
YTD Actual 7/1/20 through 7/31/21: $15,638
YTD Variance:  ($638)
Fiscal Year Goal:  $170,000


Note: We achieved 104% of the Sunday collections goal during the first month of our fiscal year ending 6-30-22, which is a very good performance considering the effects of COVID and the fact that we did not adjust our Sunday collection goal downward.

網上奉獻操作指南 Online Giving Introduction

2021 Special Collection UPDATED Schedules

SJCCM 聖荷西華人天主堂慕道班通知

     — 週日下午三點 ZOOM 彌撒/聖言分享
     — 教理課程(週四晚上八點到九點)
教理課ZOOM ID/鎖碼 請聯繫歐神父索取
如果您或您的親友有興趣認識天主教信仰, 願意認識主耶穌基督及更深入的了解人生的意義,請儘快上網SJCCM.COM 報名登記參加慕道班。或打電話留言: ***-***-**** 或發郵件至
1. 歐維禮神父: fr.olivera@gmail.com
2. 高家琳 (Lulu): Lulu66ho@gmail.com
3. 湯明昭 (Irene):Tangmc06@gmail.com

立 刻 報 名


You are invite
Every 2nd Saturday of the Month 11 AM
@ All Saints Chapel
The names of the deceased buried at Gate of Heaven and Calvary Cemeteries
from the prior month will be read in our mass intentions.
For more information: (408)878-4057; www.cfcssanjose.org



3、Santa Clara County COVID Assistant Navigation Program


糧食銀行Second Harvest Food Bank針對疫情的爆發, 設有幾種特別的免費服務.
1. 為獨居老人或殘障者運送食物到府
2. 為需要食物者提供 “驅車抵食物站, 無須下車, 即可領取食物”
3. 協助失業或低收入者申請政府糧食券

請關注您周遭需要幫助者, 聯絡工作人員陳莉娜 (408) 693-4284
我們為小兄弟所做的, 就是為主做。




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Faith Sharing of Rita 8/15/2021

每週通訊 Weekly Bulletin 08/08/2021

主日彌撒 暨 每日祈禱

Indoor Mass

請點下面LINK 查看主日室內彌撒詳情, 並報名。

新冠疫情期間,彌撒和祈禱將在網上 Zoom 進行。
同時彌撒和祈禱過程將 sjccm.com 上直播。

主日 3:00pm:彌撒
平日 8:00pm:玫瑰經

查閱詳解 暨 室內彌撒因人數限制,請務必報名

Join Zoom 732-732-7732

乙年 常年期第十九主日 彌撒視頻 8/8/2021 [NEW]

Barbara Baptism Pictures on 8/8/2021 [NEW]

哥倫布騎士團招人中! Knights Announcement [NEW]

網上即可加入,訪問kofc.org/joinus 並輸入優惠碼MCGIVNEY2020
填表時,在Preferred Local Council填16673 即可加入本堂的騎士團!
詳情請諮詢Frank Yu(yufrank@yahoo.com) 或 Peter Qu(qxj67@yahoo.com)

英文彌撒 English Mass

The first English Mass will start on 8/22/2021 4:30PM  at St. Clare Upper Church.

HPS-CV 援助計劃 for 極低收入需要幫助支付租金的居民

This is emergency rental assistance for Santa Clara County residences. People who eligible for this program are extremely low income in Santa Clara County and also have to be impacted by the COVID19.  This program can help people pay their back rent from April 2020 until June 2021(select 12 months) as well as three month forward rent. Total fifteen months. Anyone can go online apply for this program. http://preventhomelessness.org/ (also including Chinese).

Click to VIEW pdf flyer for DETAIL

CM 2021-2022 Registration is still open! [UPDATE]

Registration is open for families to register their children (PreK-12) for Catechetical Ministry (CM)


CM is offered by SJCCM for the purpose of growing our youth in Catholic theological, moral, and social teaching to develop well-rounded and active members in the Church


Classes this year will take place from 3-4:15 PM 

followed by English Mass from 4:30-5:30 PM


Registration fees for this year have been waived, so please register now by following the link on the SJCCM website, or visit sjccm.org/cm

CLICK to view UPDATED information

Retrouvaille: Married Singles Lifestyle

The Married Singles Lifestyle describes couples that may have lost a sense of closeness they once had as marriage partners and are living more like roommates. Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi with a long i) teaches couples how to survive times like these in their marriages. This program has helped 10’s of 1000’s of couples experiencing difficulty at all levels of marital distress from disillusionment to deep misery. For confidential information about or to register for the September Marriage Program beginning with a weekend on Sept 17-19, 2021 call 408-605-4998, email: SanJose@RetroCA.com or visit our website at www.HelpOurMarriage.org

ILM Registration is open!

教區事奉領導培訓班(ILM)2021-22學年 招生進行中

申請辦法:參見ILM網站https://www.dsj.org/evangelization/institute-for-leadership-in-ministry/ilm-admissions/ 並同歐神父聯繫。

CLICK for Detail …

和好聖事 Reconciliation

1. Make Appointment: https://calendly.com/carlosalberto-olivera/15min
2. After Saturday 3PM Sunday Vigial Mass at St. Clare Church parking lot.
3. Email Fr. Olivera for your question or concern.

CLICK for Detail …

靈修資料推薦 Faith Formation Resources

Sunday Collections Monthly Report (JUL 2021) [NEW]

YTD Goal 7/1/20 through 7/31/21:  $15,000
YTD Actual 7/1/20 through 7/31/21: $15,638
YTD Variance:  ($638)
Fiscal Year Goal:  $170,000


Note: We achieved 104% of the Sunday collections goal during the first month of our fiscal year ending 6-30-22, which is a very good performance considering the effects of COVID and the fact that we did not adjust our Sunday collection goal downward.

網上奉獻操作指南 Online Giving Introduction

2021 Special Collection UPDATED Schedules

SJCCM 聖荷西華人天主堂慕道班通知

     — 週日下午三點 ZOOM 彌撒/聖言分享
     — 教理課程(週四晚上八點到九點)
教理課ZOOM ID/鎖碼 請聯繫歐神父索取
如果您或您的親友有興趣認識天主教信仰, 願意認識主耶穌基督及更深入的了解人生的意義,請儘快上網SJCCM.COM 報名登記參加慕道班。或打電話留言: ***-***-**** 或發郵件至
1. 歐維禮神父: fr.olivera@gmail.com
2. 高家琳 (Lulu): Lulu66ho@gmail.com
3. 湯明昭 (Irene):Tangmc06@gmail.com

立 刻 報 名


You are invite
Every 2nd Saturday of the Month 11 AM
@ All Saints Chapel
The names of the deceased buried at Gate of Heaven and Calvary Cemeteries
from the prior month will be read in our mass intentions.
For more information: (408)878-4057; www.cfcssanjose.org



3、Santa Clara County COVID Assistant Navigation Program


糧食銀行Second Harvest Food Bank針對疫情的爆發, 設有幾種特別的免費服務.
1. 為獨居老人或殘障者運送食物到府
2. 為需要食物者提供 “驅車抵食物站, 無須下車, 即可領取食物”
3. 協助失業或低收入者申請政府糧食券

請關注您周遭需要幫助者, 聯絡工作人員陳莉娜 (408) 693-4284
我們為小兄弟所做的, 就是為主做。




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CM Registration-Updated 08/08/2021



網上即可加入,訪問kofc.org/joinus 並輸入優惠碼MCGIVNEY2020

填表時,在Preferred Local Council填16673即可加入本堂的騎士團!

詳情請諮詢Frank Yu(yufrank@yahoo.com) 或 Peter Qu(qxj67@yahoo.com)

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Barbara Baptism Pictures on 8/8/2021

聖洗聖事 照片

{{title}} {{title}}
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韓大輝主教關於『聖若瑟的父愛』 8/1/2021

每週通訊 Weekly Bulletin 08/01/2021

主日彌撒 暨 每日祈禱

Indoor Mass

請點下面LINK 查看主日室內彌撒詳情, 並報名。

新冠疫情期間,彌撒和祈禱將在網上 Zoom 進行。
同時彌撒和祈禱過程將 sjccm.com 上直播。

主日 3:00pm:彌撒
平日 8:00pm:玫瑰經

查閱詳解 暨 室內彌撒因人數限制,請務必報名

Join Zoom 732-732-7732

乙年 常年期第十八主日 韓大輝主教主祭 彌撒視頻 8/1/2021 [NEW]

由韓大輝主教主祭的主日彌撒及講座照片 8/1/2021 [NEW]

韓主教的講座『聖若瑟的父愛』視頻 8/1/2021 [NEW]

英文彌撒 English Mass

The first English Mass will start on 8/22/2021 4:30PM  at St. Clare Upper Church.

(Detail will come soon 敬請期待… …)

HPS-CV 援助計劃 for 極低收入需要幫助支付租金的居民

This is emergency rental assistance for Santa Clara County residences. People who eligible for this program are extremely low income in Santa Clara County and also have to be impacted by the COVID19.  This program can help people pay their back rent from April 2020 until June 2021(select 12 months) as well as three month forward rent. Total fifteen months. Anyone can go online apply for this program. http://preventhomelessness.org/ (also including Chinese).

Click to VIEW pdf flyer for DETAIL

CM 2021-2022 Time to register!

Registration is open for families to register their children (PreK-12) for Catechetical Ministry (CM)


CM is offered by SJCCM for the purpose of growing our youth in Catholic theological, moral, and social teaching to develop well-rounded and active members in the Church


Classes this year will take place from 3-4:15 PM 

followed by English Mass from 4:30-5:30 PM


Registration fees for this year have been waived, so please register now by following the link on the SJCCM website, or visit sjccm.org/cm

CLICK to VIEW CM Spicial Dates

Retrouvaille: Married Singles Lifestyle [NEW]

The Married Singles Lifestyle describes couples that may have lost a sense of closeness they once had as marriage partners and are living more like roommates. Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi with a long i) teaches couples how to survive times like these in their marriages. This program has helped 10’s of 1000’s of couples experiencing difficulty at all levels of marital distress from disillusionment to deep misery. For confidential information about or to register for the September Marriage Program beginning with a weekend on Sept 17-19, 2021 call 408-605-4998, email: SanJose@RetroCA.com or visit our website at www.HelpOurMarriage.org

USCCA Conference 美中天主教八月交流會

Conference 28 of the US-China Catholic Association will take place August 6-8 at Santa Clara University (California) and online. Sessions will address a series of pressing issues facing Christianity in China, as well as opportunities and hope for the future. “Civic Controversy in Hong Kong and Christian Community” will focus recent pro-democracy protests, the response of the government, and its impact on Hong Kong’s Protestant and Catholic communities. Find out more at www.uscatholicchina.org. Use discount code “25off” during registration to receive a 25% discount for in-person attendance. Students receive an additional 35% off on top of that.

Registration is now open! On-site participants must be fully vaccinated by the time of the conference. Participate in person or online please visit www.USCatholicChina.org/conference-2021www.USCatholicChina.org/conference-2021 to register and for more information.


Stage ONE: 推薦候選人 Candidates Nomination
5/1/2021 – 7/31/2021


ILM Registration is open!

教區事奉領導培訓班(ILM)2021-22學年 招生進行中

申請辦法:參見ILM網站https://www.dsj.org/evangelization/institute-for-leadership-in-ministry/ilm-admissions/ 並同歐神父聯繫。

CLICK for Detail …

和好聖事 Reconciliation

1. Make Appointment: https://calendly.com/carlosalberto-olivera/15min
2. After Saturday 3PM Sunday Vigial Mass at St. Clare Church parking lot.
3. Email Fr. Olivera for your question or concern.

CLICK for Detail …

靈修資料推薦 Faith Formation Resources

Sunday Collections Monthly Report (JUL 2021)

YTD Goal 7/1/20 through 6/30/21:  $170,000
YTD Actual 7/1/20 through 6/30/21: $161,000
YTD Variance:  ($9,000)
Fiscal Year Goal:  $170,000


Note: As we were not able to run many activities, we are on track for this fiscal year ended 6/30/21 we have finished this year with surplus. Thank you so much to all for your generous support!

網上奉獻操作指南 Online Giving Introduction

2021 Special Collection UPDATED Schedules

SJCCM 聖荷西華人天主堂慕道班通知

     — 週日下午三點 ZOOM 彌撒/聖言分享
     — 教理課程(週四晚上八點到九點)
教理課ZOOM ID/鎖碼 請聯繫歐神父索取
如果您或您的親友有興趣認識天主教信仰, 願意認識主耶穌基督及更深入的了解人生的意義,請儘快上網SJCCM.COM 報名登記參加慕道班。或打電話留言: ***-***-**** 或發郵件至
1. 歐維禮神父: fr.olivera@gmail.com
2. 高家琳 (Lulu): Lulu66ho@gmail.com
3. 湯明昭 (Irene):Tangmc06@gmail.com

立 刻 報 名


You are invite
Every 2nd Saturday of the Month 11 AM
@ All Saints Chapel
The names of the deceased buried at Gate of Heaven and Calvary Cemeteries
from the prior month will be read in our mass intentions.
For more information: (408)878-4057; www.cfcssanjose.org



3、Santa Clara County COVID Assistant Navigation Program


糧食銀行Second Harvest Food Bank針對疫情的爆發, 設有幾種特別的免費服務.
1. 為獨居老人或殘障者運送食物到府
2. 為需要食物者提供 “驅車抵食物站, 無須下車, 即可領取食物”
3. 協助失業或低收入者申請政府糧食券

請關注您周遭需要幫助者, 聯絡工作人員陳莉娜 (408) 693-4284
我們為小兄弟所做的, 就是為主做。




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Archbishop Savio Hon, SDB Mass & Talk 8/1/2021

{{title}} {{title}}
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每週通訊 Weekly Bulletin 07/24/2021

主日彌撒 暨 每日祈禱

Indoor Mass

請點下面LINK 查看主日室內彌撒詳情, 並報名。

新冠疫情期間,彌撒和祈禱將在網上 Zoom 進行。
同時彌撒和祈禱過程將 sjccm.com 上直播。

主日 3:00pm:彌撒
平日 8:00pm:玫瑰經

NOTE: 八月一號主日彌撒由韓大輝主教主祭

彌撒後韓主教將給我們講座,  請大家踴躍參加。

查閱詳解 暨 室內彌撒因人數限制,請務必報名

Join Zoom 732-732-7732

乙年 常年期第十七主日 彌撒視頻 7/25/2021 [NEW]

英文彌撒 English Mass [NEW]

The first English Mass will start on 8/22/2021 4:30PM  at St. Clare Upper Church.

(Detail will come soon 敬請期待… …)

HPS-CV 援助計劃 for 極低收入需要幫助支付租金的居民

This is emergency rental assistance for Santa Clara County residences. People who eligible for this program are extremely low income in Santa Clara County and also have to be impacted by the COVID19.  This program can help people pay their back rent from April 2020 until June 2021(select 12 months) as well as three month forward rent. Total fifteen months. Anyone can go online apply for this program. http://preventhomelessness.org/ (also including Chinese).

Click to VIEW pdf flyer for DETAIL

CM 2021-2022 Time to register! [NEW]

Registration is open for families to register their children (PreK-12) for Catechetical Ministry (CM)


CM is offered by SJCCM for the purpose of growing our youth in Catholic theological, moral, and social teaching to develop well-rounded and active members in the Church


Classes this year will take place from 3-4:15 PM 

followed by English Mass from 4:30-5:30 PM


Registration fees for this year have been waived, so please register now by following the link on the SJCCM website, or visit sjccm.org/cm

CLICK to VIEW CM Spicial Dates

Kids For Christ (KFC) Photos [NEW]

KFC 2021

CLICK for See More Photos

USCCA Conference 美中天主教八月交流會

Conference 28 of the US-China Catholic Association will take place August 6-8 at Santa Clara University (California) and online. Sessions will address a series of pressing issues facing Christianity in China, as well as opportunities and hope for the future. “Civic Controversy in Hong Kong and Christian Community” will focus recent pro-democracy protests, the response of the government, and its impact on Hong Kong’s Protestant and Catholic communities. Find out more at www.uscatholicchina.org. Use discount code “25off” during registration to receive a 25% discount for in-person attendance. Students receive an additional 35% off on top of that.

Registration is now open! On-site participants must be fully vaccinated by the time of the conference. Participate in person or online please visit www.USCatholicChina.org/conference-2021www.USCatholicChina.org/conference-2021 to register and for more information.


Stage ONE: 推薦候選人 Candidates Nomination
5/1/2021 – 7/31/2021


ILM Registration is open!

教區事奉領導培訓班(ILM)2021-22學年 招生進行中

申請辦法:參見ILM網站https://www.dsj.org/evangelization/institute-for-leadership-in-ministry/ilm-admissions/ 並同歐神父聯繫。

CLICK for Detail …

和好聖事 Reconciliation

1. Make Appointment: https://calendly.com/carlosalberto-olivera/15min
2. After Saturday 3PM Sunday Vigial Mass at St. Clare Church parking lot.
3. Email Fr. Olivera for your question or concern.

CLICK for Detail …

靈修資料推薦 Faith Formation Resources

Sunday Collections Monthly Report (JUL 2021)

YTD Goal 7/1/20 through 6/30/21:  $170,000
YTD Actual 7/1/20 through 6/30/21: $161,000
YTD Variance:  ($9,000)
Fiscal Year Goal:  $170,000


Note: As we were not able to run many activities, we are on track for this fiscal year ended 6/30/21 we have finished this year with surplus. Thank you so much to all for your generous support!

網上奉獻操作指南 Online Giving Introduction

2021 Special Collection UPDATED Schedules

SJCCM 聖荷西華人天主堂慕道班通知

     — 週日下午三點 ZOOM 彌撒/聖言分享
     — 教理課程(週四晚上八點到九點)
教理課ZOOM ID/鎖碼 請聯繫歐神父索取
如果您或您的親友有興趣認識天主教信仰, 願意認識主耶穌基督及更深入的了解人生的意義,請儘快上網SJCCM.COM 報名登記參加慕道班。或打電話留言: ***-***-**** 或發郵件至
1. 歐維禮神父: fr.olivera@gmail.com
2. 高家琳 (Lulu): Lulu66ho@gmail.com
3. 湯明昭 (Irene):Tangmc06@gmail.com

立 刻 報 名


You are invite
Every 2nd Saturday of the Month 11 AM
@ All Saints Chapel
The names of the deceased buried at Gate of Heaven and Calvary Cemeteries
from the prior month will be read in our mass intentions.
For more information: (408)878-4057; www.cfcssanjose.org



3、Santa Clara County COVID Assistant Navigation Program


糧食銀行Second Harvest Food Bank針對疫情的爆發, 設有幾種特別的免費服務.
1. 為獨居老人或殘障者運送食物到府
2. 為需要食物者提供 “驅車抵食物站, 無須下車, 即可領取食物”
3. 協助失業或低收入者申請政府糧食券

請關注您周遭需要幫助者, 聯絡工作人員陳莉娜 (408) 693-4284
我們為小兄弟所做的, 就是為主做。




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