KFC Photos 07/24/2021
Photographer: Ricky Chan
Photographer: Ricky Chan
Good news! The annual summer Kids For Christ (KFC) event will be happening this year on Saturday July 24, 1-5pm outdoors in the Church rectory garden. This has been a long time tradition in our community that is 100% planned and led by high schoolers!
Who is KFC for?
KFC is for anyone entering grades PK to 5.
Older kids can sign up to be a helper, but you must be fully vaccinated.
What do you do at KFC?
At KFC, kids participate in fun activities, learn about their faith, and forge new friendships.
There will be music, crafts, games, a community service component, snacks and more!
Will it be safe?
We are taking extra precautions to ensure the event will be fun AND safe. It will be outdoors and masks will be required. All volunteers will also be fully vaccinated.
Also we will not be serving lunch this year but will provide packaged snacks.
How much does it cost?
The event is free and we welcome anyone, baptized or non baptized to attend. So save the date and we encourage you to invite your friends.
KFC Photos 07/24/2021