美國最高法院推翻了羅訴韋德案 (Roe vs Wade)判決,國家憲法不再認可墮胎。最高法院讓各州自行決定墮胎是否違法。我們為做出這一決定的法官祈禱,也為我們社會的許多傷口得以治愈祈禱; 為在我們國家的每一個新生命祈禱。以下是St. Claire教堂的本堂神父(Mgrs. Fran Cilia)在堂區的周刊所寫的,我想到跟你們分享,值得看。
The Supreme Court issued its expected decision, overturning Roe vs. Wade, thereby giving states the authority to regulate access to abortion. In terms of the Church’s commitment to the sanctity of life – from conception until natural death – the Dobbs ruling is welcome and has been our hope for many years. However, Catholics and other people of faith cannot gloat, for we are sisters and brothers to all and, in a particular way, we need to reach out to those who feel that they have no option except abortion, those who suffer post-abortion trauma of any kind, and those parents who struggle to provide for their children.
Bishop Cantú has just released a very fine statement that is measured and cognizant of the challenges that are before us. Here is the conclusion to what the bishop wrote:
As we seek to contain the expansion of abortion in California and work to defeat the efforts of state leaders to enshrine abortion into the state constitution permanently, my brother bishops and I ask that all Catholics throughout the state meet this moment and actively engage through the California Catholic Conference, in their dioceses and parishes, and in their communities to help women, children, and families. It is not enough to claim we are for life; we must be the hands and feet of Christ working to make it a reality. And while the Supreme Court’s decision will save the countless lives, we look to increase our work to support California’s women, children, and families and protect the sanctity of every human life.
This is a link to the complete statement.
Echoing the bishop, I mention a distinction I read this morning: “Catholics must not only be anti-abortion, but truly pro-life” . We stand ready to support women, children, men and families, no matter their circumstances. The Bishops of California have developed “We Were Born Ready: A New Vision for Post-Roe California.” You can read about it and, if you want, join the movement HERE.
Much is in store for California in the months leading up to the election in November. If you do not already receive alerts from the California Catholic Conference, you can sign up for them HERE.